Chapter 40

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I heard laughing noises and it annoyed me because it was coming from Amanda, and Hames too but I was mostly irritated by Amanda's laughter. 

I strolled down the stairs and sauntered to Hames. A frown etched on my face at the extreme closeness between their bodies. 

"It's not true." Hames smiled. Yeah, one beautiful smile I had to admit I loved… liked, the one that could make a person's heart— oh, I was supposed to be focusing my attention on Amanda and not Hames' smile. 

"It is. Gosh, you love me so much." Amanda cooed, grinning as wide as ever. I knew she had seen me through her sideways glance else she was partially blind.

"Uh?" Hames sounded confused. 

"Silly." She said and they burst into laughter.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat. 

Hames quickly snapped his head in my direction and graced me with an even wider smile. "I was about to come to you. You tend to stay indoors, I expected you to be out everyday for either a party or an event."

"It's your fault, I don't just sit around at home." I ambulated to stand in front of him.

"Oh, my sweetheart." He held my hand and pulled me to sit on his lap, trailing his fingers along my skin. 

I frowned but was quick enough to transform my frown to a smile due to Amanda's presence. 

His fingers trailing along my skin was making goosebumps coat my body and a weird shiver ran down my spine. "I missed you already."

Didn't he see me about an hour ago? I noticed Amanda's frown so I decided to increase her frustration and kept my arm around his neck, tracing circles on his face with my finger.

He smiled in contentment. "Your hands are so amazing and soft, my love. Would you give me a head massage later tonight? I'll reward you." He wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"Sure… why not?"

"I love you so much." He kissed the crook of my neck, another shiver ran down my spine.

"I— I love you too." I glanced at Amanda and my face was blessed with a smirk after noticing the frustration on her face. The point of this weirdness wasn't a waste. No one messes with me, calls me names and tries to take what belongs to me? Belongs to me? Hames belonged to me? So funny.

Hames squinted his eyes at me in confusion, glanced at Amanda who looked like she was going to burst pretty soon but she transformed her expression when Hames glanced at her. 

He returned his gaze to me and smirked, leaning his face closer to mine. Oh no, not a kiss. 

Of course it turned out to be a kiss. He kissed me passionately like it was going to be the last time he was ever going to kiss me. I didn't want to respond to his kiss but it was intoxicating. It made my stomach twist into knots and was quite relaxing. I didn't like this but I needed to make Amanda frustrated more than she already was.

After making out, I ended the kiss before it led to something more intense. 

 "My hot wife, my sweetheart, my darling, my source of happiness, do you—"

"When is Amanda leaving?" I cut him off.

"Amanda?" He asked and Amanda shot daggers at me with her eyes, warning me to keep quiet but I wasn't interested in feeling threatened. She had worn out her welcome.

"Are you so desperate to chase her?" He chuckled. 

"God, I can't believe this. Hames, your wife is sending me out of 'your' house." She added a stress on 'your'.

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