Chapter 1

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Carlisle glances at his family, Esme's human mate included, while they discuss Bella Swan's visit tomorrow. Bella is dating Carlisle's 'adoptive son' and has been for a couple weeks, and Edward thinks it's time she meets the family. She comes tomorrow, Carlisle is going to the store later today for ingredients for Italian food because that is what Esme is set on making.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Carlisle?" Rosalie asks.

Rosalie doesn't hate the human like she acts like. She envies her. She never warned this life. She would have preferred staying dead after her now dead fiancée did to her back when Carlisle found and turned her. He didn't give her a choice.

"It's Edward's decision, Rose," Carlisle says. "If he wants Bella to meet the family, she should be able to."

"It's bad enough that she knows," Rosalie says sharply.

"Rose!" Esme says sharply. "That is enough."

Elias Chambers smirks slightly at his fiancée's stern voice. Jasper looks uncomfortable because of the emotion Elias is feeling.

"Elias," Jasper says in a grunt. "Need I remind you to be cautious with your emotions around an empath?"

Elias' eyes widen in horror. "Oh, god. I'm sorry, man. I forgot."

Jasper grimaces. He only nods and he walks away, causing Esme to chuckle as she rounds the counter to kiss her mate. Rosalie smiles adoringly. She adores Elias, especially for Esme. He is a decent guy and he acts natural around them, even though he knows about their secret. He doesn't obsess over Esme unless he's concerned about her, but not because she's a vampire.

"Elias," Alice chirps, "when is your friend moving in?"

"She's probably already at the house, her and that dog of hers," Elias replies. "I should probably get back, so she doesn't freak out on me."

"Be careful, my love," Esme coos, "and bring her around sometime, yeah?"

Elias smiles. "Yeah."

( ^^^ Elias ^^^)

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( ^^^ Elias ^^^)

He gives Esme a peck on the lips before he leaves the house. The dark haired male gets into his 2000 dodge Dakota truck and he drives to his house right across the road from chief of police Charlie Swan. He's scared that when Mary learns his name, she'll have a panic attack because of her deceased, abusive as hell ex-fiancée, Charley Matthews.

Elias smiles slightly when he sees a familiar 2004 off-road Jeep Wrangler. Mary Elizabeth Schmidt might have a pretty severe panic disorder, but she loves to go off-road driving. It always calms her nerves and her German Shepherd service dog, Apollo, loves it, too. It's their freeing time.

Elias walks inside and he hears a bark. The only person allowed to pet Apollo is Mary because he was trained that way. He needed to know her touch since she is his person.

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