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Embry and Wyatt are still going strong. They fought side-by-side against the newborn army along with the Cullens and the pack. After Bella and Edward's wedding, Bella became pregnant just like Mary did only she had a girl and named her Renesme.

Renesme grew as fast as Wyatt did, and she grew up looking like Bella like Wyatt grew up looking like Mary. He and Ness became best friends, both are imprinted on by wolves. Jacob and Embry.

In the year 3001, Carlisle and Mary adopted another baby, a baby from Hungary named Dennison Cullen. He was a doll. They even adopted a German Shepherd and named him Apollo in honor of the service dog Mary once had.

When same-sex marriage was legalized, Wyatt and Embry got married. Wyatt went from being Wyatt Cullen to Wyatt Call. They adopted a little girl from Brazil named Maria Call.

Renesme and Jacob got married and had a son named Jason. Jason, being a shifter / human / vampire mix, brought the Volturi in on them like Renesme did when she was the size of a child. They didn't want to kill Jason, they wanted him to join them. Which was not happening.

The covens all joined together along with the pack, and they fought back against the Volturi. After that, the Volturi was gone. Aro was left alone while Marcus and Caius were killed. Jane and Alex are dead. As well as Demitri and Felix. Only Aro is left. They left him alive just so he'd know what he did and what he caused by trying to go after Jason Black.

Paul and his imprint, Rachel, would up married in 2011 and they had twin boys - Harry and William Lahote. The twins became Paul and Rachel's entire

Jared and Kim got married in 2015 and had a son in 2016 and named him Aladdin Cameron. They had a daughter in 2019 and named her Noelle Cameron.

Sam and Emily had a set of boy-girl twins named Joshua and Ellie Uley. Joshua after Sam's dad and Ellie after the child Emily lost before she started dating Sam.

And everyone lived happily ever after.

I'm sorry, I ended this on such short notice and in a sucky way. But my writer's block sucks! And I didn't want to delete yet another story, so I ended it. So, I'm sorry, but I hope you still like it.

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