Chapter 10

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It's November now, and Wyatt is two months old. He looks four! He can walk and talk and use the potty on his own. His diet is human food and both animal and human blood. He is a huge mama's boy but he does love his dad, too.

Today is the third of November and it's the wedding day of Carlisle and Mary. Rosalie has just done straightening Mary's hair and putting it into an elegant hairstyle and doing her makeup. Mary put on her beautiful, elegant mermaid style wedding dress and Rosalie zips it up in the back and Mary's brother, Francis Schmidt, knocks on the door, her family came to her wedding day. So, she's wearing her blue contacts since her eyes aren't quite bronze yet.

"You look freaking beautiful, baby sister," Francis compliments. "Dad would be so proud."


"Definitely," Francis replies. "Good job with her hair, Rosalie."

"Thank you," Rosalie says with a smile to her soon to be mom's brother. "I'll see you out there, Mary."

Jane O'Connell, Mary's sister, soon comes in and she gasps at her sister. "Oh, my God! You look amazing!"

"There's my girl," Melanie Schmidt says as she enters. "My beautiful baby girl. Getting married. It's your turn next, Francis William."

Francis rolls his eyes. "Go to your seats, mom, Jane. It's about to start."

Melanie smiles happily at her youngest daughter before she and Jane head outside. Francis kisses the top of his baby sister's head before they head out to the living room where Wyatt is. He's bringing the rings to her and Carlisle while one of Mary's nieces is the flower girl. Her niece goes out first when everyone stands and when the music starts, Eleazar and Carmen open the doors and venom fills Carlisle's eyes as soon as he lays eyes on his gorgeous bride.

Jasper smiles proudly at Mary. He and her have become best friends. They're much closer than she and Rosalie are. But 5en again, he was the first person within the siblings to help her with a panic attack after Carlisle. He's also the first one, besides Elias, Esme and Alice, who warmed up to her. And he gets her.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Carlisle Cullen and Mary Schmidt," the priest that Esme hired says. "Carlisle, repeat after me. I, Carlisle Cullen..."

"I, Carlisle Cullen."

"Take thee, Mary Schmidt..."

"Take thee, Mary Schmidt."

"To be my lawful wedded wife..."

"To be my lawful wedded wife."

The vows for on, each one repeating and then Wyatt comes out with a pillow, carrying the rings. Melanie smiles. The story she and the others got is that Carlisle and Mary adopted him while they were still engaged from an orphanage in town where in Alaska.

"I love you," Carlisle says to his bride.

"I love you."

The priest smiles. "With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Carlisle doesn't miss a beat as he tenderly presses his lips against Mary's. Everyone claps while Melanie sobs happily.

While Carlisle talks with Melanie and Wyatt plays with his cousins, Mary watches them as she sip son a cup of animal blood that Irina went out and got for her. It's in a dark cup so that no one gets suspicious. All of the humans was starting to make Mary hungry.

Francis walks over and he hugs his sister like he didn't when he got here two days ago. Mary smiles into the hug and she hugs her brother back. She's missed him so much.

"I am so proud of you, Mary Elizabeth Cullen," Francis says. "I wish I could stay but I have to get Conner home. He's in preschool and..."

"No, no, I get it," Mary says. "Bring my nephew over so I can hug him."

Francis smiles. "Conner!"

The little brunette boy comes running over and he hugs his aunt. Mary beams as she lifts the five-year-old up. "Hi, aunt Mary!"

"Hey, baby," Mary greets. "How did you like playing with your cousin Wyatt?"

"I like him," Conner replies cutely. "Thank you for letting us play."

"Oh, you're so smart!" Mary coos and she kisses his head. "Be careful going home, guys. I love you both."

"I love you, too, sis," Francis says. "Come on, Conner, let's go say bye to Carlisle amd we'll head on home."

Melanie walks over. "Hey, my sweet girl. So, married. Any more kids in the future?"

"Maybe," Mary replies and Carlisle smiles at her. "I want a girl."

"Name her Melanie," she says. "Mary, I need to talk to you."

Mary loons worried and she leads her mother inside.

Carlisle finds his new wife in some white jeans and a black blouse, no shoes, sitting on the edge of a cliff. He knows she won't jump because she lives Wyatt way too much and they just got married three hours ago.

"Hey," Carlisle, greets and he sits beside her. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"

"My mom is sick," Mary claims. "She has cancer."

"I'm so sorry," Carlisle says and he pulls his wife into his arms. "Come here. It's okay."

Mary dry sobs into Carlisle's neck as she worries over her sick mom.

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