Chapter 3

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It's been about two weeks since that day Mary fell asleep with her head on Carlisle. Mary was only a little bit embarrassed when she woke up and he was caressing her arm with his ice cold thumb. She finds his abnormal freezing body temperature oddly comforting.

Carlisle and Mary have spent every day of the past two weeks, talking and getting to know each other. They have their first date today. Carlisle is taking her for a picnic in the local park. He's planning on telling her about vampires. Rosalie actually, oddly enough, agreed that Mary should know before their relationship moves forward. Mates are different than blood singers, and Carlisle is practically her father. Rose doesn't want to see Mary get pissed due to secrets.

"Alice, when is that storm?" Carlisle asks his clairvoyant daughter.

"Tomorrow," Alice chirps. "So don't worry. You and Mary are safe for your date today."

"Do you know how she's going to take the news?" Rosalie asks.

Alice grins as she grabs her laptop and goes to YouTube and plays the sound for wedding bells. Elias smirks, he knew she saw something good. Mary might have a panic disorder but when it comes to the people she likes and/or loves, she typically doesn't let too much get in the way.

"Elias, what are your thoughts on how she'll take it?" Carlisle asks, ignoring the background sound of wedding bells Alice is playing.

"I know Mary, known her since she was baby," Elias says. "She will be wary at first and scared because you're a vampire. But once you explain things and she hears your story, as well as everyone else's, she will come around. Panic disorder or not. She does like you Carlisle, and that's something for her. She hasn't liked anyone like she does you since Charley freaking Matthews."

Esme scowls at the name, knowing Mary's story. "Where is Charley?"

"Dead," Elias replies. "Killed by the cops."

"Good," Emmett replies as he cracks his knuckles. "I don't know what happened but with Esme's reaction, it's not good."

Carlisle grabs the basket Esme lays on the counter. "Thank you, Esme."

Esme smiles at the man. "Of course. You go and get your girl. And good luck."

Carlisle glances at Jasper.

"I can handle it," Jasper says, "whenever you bring her by. Panicked emotions are nothing compared to what I felt when inter Maria's grasp."

Carlisle claps a hand on Jasper's shoulder before leaving.

"Why are you accepting this?" Edward asks his 'sister' once Carlisle is out of hearing range. "You don't like humans knowing about us. You threw a tantrum when Bella found out."

"Mates are different than blood singers, Edward, you know that," Rosalie says. "Besides, this is Carlisle we're talking about. He hasn't had a mate, he's been alone for over three centuries. He deserves it. That and Carlisle had yet to even bring her around."

"He will once she is ready," Esme coos. "We will meet Mary Schmidt soon."

Mary sits on the picnic blanket while Apollo lays in the grass, under a shade tree. Carlisle smiles as Mary eats the chicken salad sandwich that Esme put together.

"Mary," Carlisle speaks up, "there's something I need to tell you before our... relationship can move forward."

Mary swallows the rest of her sandwich and she grabs the bottle of water that Esme also packed for them. "Alright," she replies before she unscrews the cap. "Hit me," she urges before putting the bottle to her lips."

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