Chapter 7

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Mary's impossible pregnancy has progressed so much over the past two weeks. She's huge and weak. She and Rosalie have grown way closer. She also has an engagement ring on her finger. Carlisle proposed about a week into their stay. Not because that Mary was pregnant, but because if his love for her.

Mary is sitting in the couch with Rosalie and Carmen, the others have went for a hunt and Laurent is grabbing some blood for Mary. The baby started craving blood about two days ago, and it's what's been keeping the blonde mom-to-be alive before the birth. They all know she will die them, but then Carlisle will turn her. Especially now that they're not in Forks and the treaty isn't alive here.


"What is it?" Rosalie asks quickly, urgently.

"He broke a rib."

Ultrasounds won't show pictures and needles won't procreate. But Mary and Rosalie are sure she's having a boy. Alice won't say, but she's guessing girl. She can't see Mary or the baby's future. Carlisle will be fine either way if he is able to turn her after delivering baby. Emmett, being Emmett, has been taking bets in what the covens think baby Cullen will be. Boy or girl.

Rosalie places her hand on Mary's stomach and the baby kicks her violently. "Hey now, little guy, easy. It's just me, Rose."

"What are we gonna do when I go into labor?" Mary asks.

"Hopefully Carlisle will be here to turn you," Rosalie replies.

"How's the patient?" Laurent asks as he returns with some blood.

"Another rib was broken," Carmen replies sadly. "The poor human is suffering."

"Here you go, Mary," Laurent says and he hands her the cup of blood. "O positive, my personal favorite."

Mary grimaces before she takes a sip, she closes her eyes as it helps her strength. Jasper and Carlisle enter together and they see her drinking. Carlisle walks over and he checks her pulse, even if he hears it.

"The blood helps," Carlisle says. "But..."

"It won't be enough to help her during labor," Laurent concludes. "I am sorry, Carlisle. I wish you didn't have to suffer, you or your fiancée."

"I wish that, too, Laurent," Carlisle says.

Mary opens her eyes when she finishes the blood and she smiles at her fiancée, the blood still in her teeth. Carlisle chuckles a little bit and he helps her stand. She grunts a little at the impact on her back and with Rosalie's help, she is helped into the bathroom, and into a tub for a hot bubble bath to help her relax a little.

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