Chapter 12

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Two weeks later, with Carlisle's say-so and promise to see them soon, Mary and a fourteen-year-old looking Wyatt have returned to Forks. She's missed home, and she has her diet under control. She won't put Wyatt in school because she knows he stops aging as a teenager. Mary didn't stop researching until she found someone, another like Wyatt, and she asked questions and she got answers.

Wyatt is exploring the Cullen house, home, whole Mary goes to visit Bella. Alice asked her to check on the brunette and that's what she's doing.

"You're Mary, right?" Charlie asks.

"I was looking for Bella?"

"She's not here right now, but you're welcome to come in and wait," Charlie says.

Harry Clearwater looks up when Charlie leads a blonde female inside. He sees her golden eyes and he knows she's a cold one.

"Hi, Harry Clearwater," he says.

"I'm Mary Cullen," she claims.


"Carlisle and i for married two weeks ago," Mary says. "I came back to visit Bella."

The door swings open and Bella burst in. "Mary?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"Bella, what's wrong?" Charlie asks his daughter.

"They're not giant bears -- I saw them," Bella says. "Up in a meadow..."

"Damn it, I told you not to go into the wood!" Charlie scolds.

"What did you see, Bella?" Harry asks.

"Wolves," Bella replies. "They're wolves, dad."

"I have to go," Mary says and she hurries out. "Wyatt!"

"Mom?" Wyatt says as he comes down from his selected room.

"Call your father, and say I'm going to resign the treaty, and you are too," Mary instructs.

Wyatt nods his head and he pulls out his cellphone to call Carlisle. Mary calls Billy Black. She met him before the family left and she got his number, for if she turned while gone and wanted to return. She sets up a time and day for the treaty signing while Wyatt lets Carlisle know what he and Mary are doing since they're staying in Forks.

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