Chapter 5

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Emmett walks up to Carlisle and Mary's room and sees her frowning at her stomach. "Hey. You okay?"

"I don't know," Mary whispers. "I feel strange."

Emmett furrows his eyebrows. "Good strange or bad?"

Mary looks up and her eyes meet Emmett's. "I'm not sure."

It's been two weeks since that morning and today is Bella's birthday. But also, Mary has been throwing up every single morning since. Carlisle is concerned and so is Jasper. Those are the two that Mary seems closest to. She and Elias are still best friends, but here lately, he's all about Esme.

Apollo was returned to the agency a couple days ago. Mary misses him but she has an amazing boyfriend and he has an empath 'son', so she should be fine with her panic disorder.

"Hey," Esme coos as she walks into the Cullen/Schmidt bedroom carrying a kettle of tea and a serving tray.

"I need to go to the store," Mary claims as Esme pours them some tea.

"I'll drive you," Esme says.

Mary nods her head and she goes to sip on the tea but the smell makes her nauseas. She puts the cup down and she runs to a bathroom to throw up. Esme follows her and she holds the blonde's hair back and she rubs her back soothingly as the humam gasps amd gags.

"Don't call Carlisle," Mary whispers.

Esme and Mary go to the pharmacy because Mary needs to get some vitamins and some over the counter nausea meds. She walks through the feminine hygiene section and she spots the pads and tampons. She thinks about her period. She hadn't had it this month. Her eyes widen in horror and she grabs some pregnancy tests and tampons, just in case, and she goes to the counter.

"Good luck," the girl says.

"Thank you," Mary whispers and she goes to the car. "Esme, we might have a problem."

Esme looks at Mary and she drives them hone to find Alice and Jasper hwre early.

"Bella's birthday party,"  Mary says. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

Mary heads upstairs, not talking to Alice or Jasper, and she goes straight to the upstairs bathroom. Jasper kisses Alice on the cheek and he follows Mary upstairs when he feels her pure fear.


"Wait a moment," she whispers as she places the tests down.

She feels something move and she gasps in horror. Jasper places a palm on the door.

"Mary," Jasper says. "Are you okay?"

"Jasper?" Mary squeaks. "Something just moved inside of me."

Jasper tenses, so do Esme and Alice downstairs. "Unlock the door, Mary. Let me feel."

As soon as the door unclicks, Jasper enters and he places a hand on Mary's bare stomach, not bothered by the fact she's in her training bra. Whatever is inside of her moves again and he yanks his hand back.

"The party..."

"Will go on," Alice says as she appears. "We worry about you and what's in your body after. Okay?"

Mary nods. "Okay."

Alice smiles. "We will figure it out, mama Mary, I assure you."

Mary boss her head and she grabs her shirt. "Guess I should be getting ready."

Ever since Jasper told Carlisle what Mary's symptoms were and that the pregnancy tests were one pos, and two negative, Carlisle has not let Mary wander too far from his side out of concern

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Ever since Jasper told Carlisle what Mary's symptoms were and that the pregnancy tests were one pos, and two negative, Carlisle has not let Mary wander too far from his side out of concern. He doesn't want anything to happen to her. But he has a feeling something will, and soon.

"I'm sorry about all this," Elias says, putting Carlisle and Mary from their thoughts, as Bella and Edward come downstairs. "We tried to reign Alice in."

"Like that's possible," Esme muses as she hugs the brunette. "Happy birthday, Bella."

"Thanks," Bella replies awkwardly.

Alice snaps a picture of Bella and Edward once the brunette moves back beside her man. "Found it in your bag, mind?"

"Alice," Bella says as she sees the huge cake, "Mary and I are the only ones who cake. This thing could feed fifty."

"Hope you two are hungry!" Alice chirps, trying to keep the mood right now decent for Mary and Carlisle's sake. "Let's open presents. This one's Emmett's."

Bella shakes it and hears that it's empty. She furrows her eyebrows and she opens it and finds a radio box.

"Already installed it in your truck," Emmett comments. "It's only a decent sound system for that piece of cr--" 

"Hey, don't hate the truck," Bella interrupts.

"Here, open Carlisle and Mary's!" Alice says as she hands it over.

"It's just something to brighten your day," Carlisle says. "You've been looking pale lately,"

Bella goes to open it but she fumbles with the paper, and she ends up slighting her finger. Carlisle is quick to throw both Jasper and Elias back as Edward flings Bella. Bella lands on the glsss table holding glass plates, and she cuts her arm. Causing her to bleed even more. Carlisle and Emmett catch the newborn while Rosalie and Esme manage to catch Jasper. Alice steps in for Carlisle and they drag the vampires out while Carlisle goes get Bella to a more clean room to clean her up. Edward looks at Mary and he smiles apologetically before he goes to find Bella, to be sure she's okay.

Mary has to sit down, feeling a bit faint. She feels something move against and she grips at her stomach, and she whimpers. Rosalie rushes in and she kneels before her and she grabs Mary's hands. They look at each other and Mary feels it again, she gasps. Rosalie quickly puts her hand on Mary's stomach and the movement occurrs.

"What is it?" Rosalie asks.

"I don't know," Mary whispers. "I don't know..."

Rosalie pulls her into a hug when Mary begins to sob in fear.

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