59: Jawaad

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The past few months had been wonderful. Mum had stopped nagging about me not getting married yet. I got a promotion at work.

...and, Manal was finally out of my life.

Ever since her dad came to our house and threatened to lock me up in jail, there and then, I decided I wanted nothing more to do with her. I had never been so embarrassed my whole life.

Due to the fact that she was friends with Farida, I didn't want to suddenly break things off with her—like Muhammad advised. I wanted to look for a little excuse to hold on to, but fortunately for me, her dad had to step in.

Everything aside, without mincing words, Manal was a decent, pure-hearted lady, but she just wasn't my spec. I hoped she would be able to find a man who would truly deserve her.

I sincerely did.

The ringtone of my phone jarred me into awareness. I picked up the phone and reclined backwards in my swivel seat.

It was mum.


"Jawaad! Where are you?" Mum's voice was laced with so much terror. I could depict she had been crying..

I sprung up, tension building within me. "Is something wrong?"

"It's... it's your dad." She burst out crying. "It's your dad, Jawaad."

For a moment, I became dumbstruck. I couldn't even think clearly. I couldn't speak. I just looked on, bewildered—dazzled.

"Leave whatever you are doing and come to the hospital...please."

"What..." I finally found my voice. "What happened to dad? He was here at the office just few hours ago."

"Ju...st," her voice quivered. "Come to the hospital."

I ended the call and without wasting a second more, I dashed out of the office, but ended up bumping into Muhammad.

"Hey! Calm down! Where are you rushing to?" Muhammad stood in my way. "What's wrong?"

I swallowed a nervous lump in my throat. "I don't know. My mum just called and told me to hurry to the hospital. I don't know what it is, but it's concerning my dad." I ran a hand over my face, unable to relax. I couldn't bear the mere thought of losing him, when we hadn't even gone on the family vacation he planned for us. I still had a lot of things to learn from him. I still needed him by my side.

"Calm down, Jawaad."

Muhammad's words only fueled the nervousness brewing up inside of me. Calm down? How could I calm down when I didn't even know what had happened to my father. Mum sounded so broken.."I need to go right now." I shoved him aside and was about to walk away, but he was quick to stop me, by grabbing my arm and getting in front of me.

"Let me come with you."

I shook my head in refusal. "Thanks, but no, you still have to oversee the work here, while I'm away."

"Will you be able to manage?"

I nodded in the affirmative.

"Please call me."

"I will." I assured, giving his shoulder a light pat. "Thanks, man."

Throughout the drive to the hospital, I couldn't calm down. I couldn't shake off the bad feeling igniting like a flame withing me . It was practically written all over my face.

Angstful, I kept on honking the horn of my car. For some reason, the cars in front of me seemed not to be moving at all.

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