19. Manal

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A week passed by in a blink of an eye. I had gotten fully accustomed to my new room and all of roommates. I also found out sister Hauwa was married and was actually pregnant. I was really very surprised when Ajoke blurted it out to me. Everything then made sense to me - why she had a big flask in the room, why she was the most charismatic of us all and why she was always sleeping and eating.

So far, Ajoke and I got along, but that wasn't the case with Hala. At all times, they seemed to be at loggerheads with each other.

Hala might look innocuous on the outside, but she was a no-nonsense person. She wasn't the type to tolerate disrespect from anyone. Not even from the people older than her.

Over the week, we had become really close. We did almost everything together. I realized she wasn't as bad as I had initially thought. The tad dislike I had for her had completely disappeared, for I already considered her a friend.

Although Farida and I were having petty issues, she still mattered more to me. She was my best friend. Always would be.

We had just finished FST103 lectures and were about to leave for the hostel, when Farouq walked up to us. I was flabbergasted, for I didn't expect him there.

Hala was equally taken aback.

"Hey, Manal, Hala." He raised a hand to greet us. "Are you guys done yet?"

"Yes." Hala was quick to respond. "Did you come all the way here, just to pick Man- us?"

"I was around, so why not?" He shrugged.

His words made me realize I might be making a big mistake by trusting him. He was always coincidentally around me. It was weird and hard to believe at the same time. I just hoped he wasn't playing me for a fool. "I see."

"Hmm, Farouq?" Hala called. "You're in your final year, right?"

"Yes." He responded. "Why did you ask?"

She shook her head. "Nothing. I was surprised when Manal mentioned it. Honestly, I thought you were in your second year." She chuckled. "By the way, congratulations, you're almost done."

"Thanks." He smiled at her, then averted his gaze back to me. "Is something wrong, Manal? You're extraordinarily quiet today."

"I also observed." Hala added. "I was just about to make the same comment."

"I'm alright." I dismissed the topic. "What are we waiting for? Can we leave?"

Throughout the ride back to the hostel, I couldn't stop my mind from wandering to all sorts of possibility, as to why Farouq claimed to 'coincidentally' be around me. Did he perhaps have something up his sleeve? Was it really coincidence?

I groaned in frustration. I had really tried all I could to mend their cracked relationship. I really had, but nothing was forthcoming. For some reasons unknown to me, Farida had refused to give him a listening ear. And it was not as of she did not care for him anymore - she did. I could see it right through the facade.

"Are you sure you're really fine?" Farouq asked, snapping her out of her trance.

I responded with a small smile.

"She's alright." Hala responded from the backseat. "I think she's just hungry and tired from today's lectures. Truth is, we haven't had anything to eat."

"Really? Why didn't you tell me, Manal? I would have taken you two to a cafeteria."

I furrowed my brows. "Because it's not necessary."

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