25. Manal

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My heart plummeted and I craned my neck to Hala's direction. I was surprised to find her conversing nonchalantly with one of the guys. I averted my gaze back to the gigantic man hovering over me. "Please move out of my way." In spite of how hard I tried, I couldn't stop my voice from quivering. "I'm going home."

"Home?" He quirked his eyebrows. "As in home?"

"I'm going back to the hostel." I corrected. I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eyes, because they were scintillating danger. All I wanted, was to be out of there safely.

"Why so soon? You haven't even danced with us yet." He lifted a hand and began to draw patterns on my forehead, then applied pressure to it.

I staggered backwards, but thankfully, I was able to maintain my balance. "I'm sorry, but I don't dance."

"You don't dance? Meaning you can dance, but you're not willing to?"

"Just leave the babe be." Ehis flung his hand in the air. "It's obvious she doesn't want to enjoy the party with us."

"Ehis is right, Abdul." Hala stepped forward. "Let her leave if that's what she wants."

"No way." He fiercely shook his head. "She's already here. I won't allow her leave, until she dances with me."

I swallowed the ball of nerve that got stuck in my throat. The situation was getting worse by the second. I needed to leave and fast, otherwise, the outcome would be dreadful.

"Just look at how scared she looks. Please let her go, Abdul." Hala beseeched.

Despite being angry at her, I was grateful to her because she was making an effort to save me from the despicable guys.

"Is it true?" He cupped my face with both hands. "Are you scared, little girl?"

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. I wanted to tell him off, but doing that, would no doubt provoke him. And the last thing I wanted to do, was provoke them. Otherwise, I might be stuck there till the next morning.

"I'm speaking to you. Come on, give me a reply." He began to stroke my cheeks with his fingers.

I yanked him hand away and took a step back. "Stay away from me." I warned—not that I could actually do anything if he decided not to listen to me, but I couldn't just stand still and allow him touch me, like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Or what?" He advanced towards me; a wolfish grin plastered on his face.

I continued taking steps back, until I got to where Hala stood. I wished I could ignore her like the plague, but I badly needed her help. I felt she was the only one capable of saving me from the monsters in human form. They had no conscience at all. Absolutely none.

"That's enough now, Abdul. My friend obviously doesn't like you. Why are you trying so hard." Hala cocked a brow.

At Hala's words, clamorous laughter filled the air.

"Leave the girl, Abdul. She doesn't like you." Handsome chortled. "I have also tried my luck, but failed."

"And who said anything about liking her? She's obviously not my type. Just look at her: she's as flat as slippers, a plain Jane and in my opinion, a naive girl. I will never in my life go for someone like her and please," he turned to his friends. "If one day I tell you people I'm in love with someone of her kind, please just know that it is a charm. Chain me, lock me, anything, but don't let me destroy my life..." He rambled on.

Ehis scoffed. "If that's the case, why don't you let her go then?"

"Because I find something enthralling about her. I feel she's a bad girl hiding underneath the pretext of an innocent person. I want to unleash the wild side of her. I'm Abdul. I always get whatever I want and right now, I want to dance with her. I will allow her leave, but only if she dances with me."

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