88: Manal

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It was 7 AM when I finished having breakfast. I told Ummi I'd be leaving for work. She was quite surprised because I usually didn't go that early. I explained to her that we were required to be there as early as possible because we had to go on market surveys and inspections of industries around. I wasn't entirely wrong though, but the prime reason I wanted to go at that time, was to see Jawaad. I just wanted to make sure he wasn't holding what I said against me—not that his feelings mattered to me. I just didn't want to be on anyone's bad books...

I expected to see Jawaad's car parked on the spot he usually did when I got to the organization, but to my disappointment, I met an empty space.  "I guess he is still mad at me," I muttered underneath my breath and shrugged. "Good riddance."

"Good morning." I greeted a few of my colleagues who were already present there—a boy and two girls. They were busy looking at something in a book. I didn't know their names yet and to be honest, I didn't care to know. The fact that we were cordial with each other was enough for me.

"Good morning." They chorused went back to what they were doing before I walked in.

A few minutes later, Walidah came in. She was donned in an Ankara skirt and blouse. She looked beautiful.

"Good morning, everyone!" She greeted me cheerfully and took a seat on the chair that was beside me.

"Good morning, girl." The girl greeted with a big smile on her face. "You look beautiful."

I sighed. I was starting to wonder why they were giving me the cold shoulder.

"Aww! Thanks a lot, Saratu!" Walidah grinned. "You look beautiful too."

They talked for a while before Walidah averted her attention to me. "What's up? Why are you quiet?"

"Quiet?" I questioned. Did she expect me to chime in their conversation without invitation? "How?"

She shrugged. "I just noticed you don't talk a lot."

"That's how I am," I replied. I said that to get her off of my cloud.

"Oh!" She remarked.

The rest of the day was boring. I didn't talk to anyone unless I was spoken to. Mr. Ammar wasn't present at work—which gladdened me a lot. After the awkward conversation in his car the previous day, I didn't want to even see his face. He made me feel so uncomfortable. His questions were uncalled for. He crossed his boundary.

For the nth time, I checked my phone and saw zero notification from Jawaad. "How can a human being be so full of himself!"

I returned my phone to its place in my bag and pulled my chair closer to Walidah and started a conversation with her.  I didn't do that because I wanted friendship with her whatsoever. I just wanted to be able to get my mind off Jawaad and to prove to the others that I could talk if I wanted. I wasn't that much of an introvert—at least not anymore. I was more of an ambivert now.

It took forever before the closing hour arrived. I arranged all of my stuff in my bag and walked out of the building, alongside Walidah.

My heart almost leaped out of its confines when I sighted Jawaad's car parked in front of me. I wanted to walk up to him and apologize for the harsh word I had used on him, but I restrained myself.

You shouldn't have come na. I thought you have self-respect to protect.

I sneered.

"Your suitor is here again," Walidah whispered into my ears.

I pushed her away. "Whose suitor? I barely know him, please."

"So he is not your suitor?" She asked.

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