100: Manal

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The day I anticipated with joy and fear had arrived.

I used to visualize myself looking extremely beautiful on my wedding day. The sight before me totally not what I had expected. It was appalling.

I turned away from the mirror and blinked away the tears threatening to escape and make me seem ungrateful for the blessings in my life.

What happened to me was terrible—very, but a part of me felt glad it happened. Because of what happened, I no longer had doubts about Jawaad's feelings for me. Though he couldn't sleep in our house, he visited daily. He gave me a present much more valuable than golds and silvers—he gave me his words that he would love and respect me forever. That he would always be there for me and protect me from danger.

I smiled. The scar on my face didn't scare him like I thought it would. It didn't push me away, neither did it make me view myself in a certain way. On the contrary, he because more caring, considerate, and even more observant. Jawaad never failed to remind me that my beauty hadn't vanished and that I was still the same person I was months ago.

Ummi suggested we postpone the wedding until my face heals completely. I considered postponing it. Like every other lady, I wanted to look my best on my wedding day, but Jawaad didn't want the wedding to be postponed for even a day.

For the first time since I got involved with Jawaad, I was confident about the relationship. I no longer felt it was one-sided because Jawaad had proven himself not only to me but to my family as well. He had proven that he indeed loved me.

Jawaad's enthusiasm about the wedding boosted my morale. The fears I had drastically reduced. It wasn't completely gone, but it certainly didn't weigh me down anymore. Jawaad had tried his best to prove to me that he truly loved me and a scar on my face wasn't enough to make him stop.

Although I was still sad by what Hala did to me, I forgave her. I forgave her because I believed she regretted her action and was the reason she came back to save me and ended up in a coma.

When I heard hala's scream, I ran back to the house and bumped into Adam trying to escape. I tried to stop him but he aggressively pushed me to the wall and fled.

Inside, Hala was bloodied and unconscious. My breath hitched in my throat for I thought she had died.

"What are you thinking about?" Farida's voice startled me. I didn't even notice her arrival.

She dropped her bag on the bed and came to sit on the stool next to me. "What's up?"

I shrugged. "I was just thinking about how my life will be after marriage."


"You're experienced. Maybe you can tell me a thing or two."

"Trust me, I can. What do you want to know?"

"So, when I'm married, I won't be able to go anywhere without my husband's permission?"

"Yup." She nodded. "don't tell me you didn't know."

"Of course I do, but it just seems so weird. Like...I don't even ask my parents for permission to go out sometimes. I just do it."

"Well, things are about to change." She chuckled. "Don't worry though, Jawaad isn't the type of person to prevent you from leaving the house. He wouldn't do that to you."

I hummed. "I don't really know how to cook, Farida. What if Jawaad ends up not liking my food?"

"Then let him make his." She shrugged. "It's that simple. Farouq makes our food almost all of the time, and he doesn't complain."

MANAL Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora