45: Jawaad

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"Have you submitted the file to the marketing department?" I raised my head to Muhammad, who was seated on one of the two visitors chair across the desk.

"It hasn't been thoroughly reviewed, but I will see to it, it gets submitted before dusk." He assured.

"Alright, please do." I propelled. "This project has been pending for the longest time now. I don't want Dad to get mad and call me incompetent, like he did yesterday." I inhaled and then exhaled. I really didn't want to remember the incident yesterday, but I couldn't stop it from crossing my mind every now and then. I didn't know what aggravated dad, that he had to thrutch all of the exasperation to me. For a fact, I knew he didn't lose his cool because of the pending project—most definitely not. I had just been made the superintendent of the project in less than a week. Plus, I had so much in my plate already. Perhaps, he had an argument with mum and decided to blow off steam. 

"Sure." Muhammad spoke, pulling me back to reality. "What happened though? Your dad seemed pretty mad yesterday."

I shrugged. "I'm also in the dark. Did he do something else?"

"He fired one of the employees in the accounting department, Mrs. Nelson."

"Oh!" My voice depicted nonchalance. I had some many things I needed to worry about, I didn't want an extra. Not needed.

"You don't want to know why he did it?"

"To be honest, I don't." I admitted. "For whatever reason he did it, it's his business. He knows exactly what he is doing. The man I know would never jeopardize the well-being of this company for trivial reasons. I trust him and every decision he makes. You should as well."

"Okay." He shrugged. "I just thought it was unwarranted, but as you said, he wouldn't jeopardize the well-being of the company for trivial reasons, so we move."


"You should take a break." Muhammad's suggestion was out of the blue. "You will need it."

"I know." I massaged my forehead. "I really wish I could, but I can't. Dad's on my neck. He is supposed to have resigned by now, but apparently, he feels I'm not good enough to handle the company in his absence." In spite of how hardworking I had been—Muhammad and every other person who knew me at the workplace could attest to that—dad still doubted my capability. It struck a nerve. "Sucks, right? I don't want to prove him right."

"Don't think too much about it, I'm certain he's going to come around."

"I hope so. I really do."

"I'm done for the day, do you wanna come along?" Muhammad raised a questionable brow.

"Where to?"

"My house. Shukra made lunch."

"Maybe some other time." I declined, hoping I was polite enough.

"The kids must be back home from school already. I'm sure they will be happy to see you. Come on, dude, it's been a long time you visited my abode."

By mentioning his kids, I knew what he was trying to do and he did succeed. "Alright. I will just finish this and then we can leave."

"Sure." He reclined backwards in his seat and threw one leg over the other.

Muhammad drove into the compound and I followed. I parked my car behind his and alighted from it.

"I still need to return to the office, so I won't be staying long." I informed him, as we walked into his building.

"Fair enough." Muhammad twisted the doorknob and pushed open the door. "Assalamualaikum." He muttered.

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