1. Manal

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How do I succeed in leaving this house without anyone noticing? —  I placed a finger against my chin, thoughtfully, and let out a strangled groan when I couldn't come up with an excusable lie. Time was ticking — ticking too fast for my liking. I needed to leave soon otherwise I would miss the opportunity of seeing him.

What if I don't get to see him before he goes back to school! I spurn the thought from my mind disdainfully. I couldn't let that slide me by. I definitely won't.

Given how strict ummi had become and how overprotective abii was, I was pretty sure they would never allow me to leave the house and if I succeed in convincing abii to let me go since he was the lenient one, he would make my annoying, younger brother, Imran, tag along and believe me, that would be an absolute BAD IDEA!

Ugh! — I stamped my feet on the floor exasperatedly. What excuse was I going to give to my friends?

"Hey, Farida! I couldn't attend the party yesterday, because my mum would skin me alive if she finds out." I visibly cringed as the words filled my ears. It sounded so dumb and without a doubt, she would taunt me about it for an incredibly long period.

Honestly, I didn't want to attend the birthday party, but my best friend, Farida had to practically beg me to be there for her. At first, I refused, because I knew how disappointed abii would be in me. He made me promise never to attend such gatherings because he believed parties only consisted of alcoholic drinks, boys, and much more unscrupulous stuff. But at the mention of my long-time crush being there, all thoughts restraining me from giving in, dissipated in the air and flew through the open window.

The sudden sound of my cellphone ringing had me startled for a while — only for a split second though. I placed a hand on my heart, which had suddenly begun throbbing heavily beneath my chest.

Taking a look at the caller ID, I puffed out air from between my lips and tapped on the receive button.

"Hey, Manal!" She shrilled in her usual high-pitched voice.

Was she planning to make me deaf? I had to pull the phone away from my ear to protect my precious eardrum from her vicious plan. I rolled my eyes irritatedly.

"I have been waiting forever for your arrival. Where are you?" She questioned.

From my side of the phone, I could hear the earnestness in the tone she used. She wanted me to be there for her eighteenth birthday and I wouldn't want to miss it either... Out of all the friends I had, she was the only one I considered the best. "I will be there, in shaa Allah," I reassured.

"You better be." She spoke in a hardened voice. "My party will be incomplete without you here and... You will miss the opportunity of seeing—"

I quickly ended the call before she would be able to complete her sentence. She always seized every opportunity to tease me. "Idiot," I muttered humorously. "I better start dressing up if I want to be there," I said to myself and sauntered towards my walk-in closet.

Approximately ten minutes later, I had clothes littered all over my bed. I was still indecisive about what to wear. It was so frustrating! One of the biggest troubles of a girl.

I was still engrossed in searching for a suitable dress to wear when I heard ummi calling for me and the sound of her footstep approaching at a fast pace.

Baffled, I swiftly did the first thing that came to my mind — I stuffed all of the clothing beneath my bed and quickly got in bed. I shut my eyes tightly, praying so hard she would suspect a thing, otherwise, she would indeed skin me alive.

Shortly later, she began knocking on the door.

I shut my eyes tighter and covered myself with the duvet, pretending to be asleep, so she would leave quickly. I needed to sneak out of the house as soon as possible.

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