96: Manal

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"As-salaam Alaikum, Ummi! Please pray for me. I'm about to write my last  examination."

"I will. May Allah grant you success. I hope you read well."

"Yes, Ummi. I didn't even get enough sleep last night. I just don't want any course to hinder me from graduating," I sighed. It had always been my fear. Five years was long. I didn't want to stay longer at the university.

"In Sha Allah, you will do well. Don't forget to say your prayer before commencing." She reminded.

"Come on, Manal, we're about to start." Hala whisper-yelled.

"Alright, Ummi, I have to go. I will call you when I'm done." Without waiting for her response, I ended the call and followed Hala into the hall.

"I'm going to sit behind you for this exam," Hala informed. "I didn't get the chance to read at all."

I shook my head in disbelief. "What were you doing?"

She sighed. "I was sick. I slept off with my book on my face."

For some reason, I didn't believe her, but I didn't say anything to her either for I didn't want to sound offensive. "Oh!"

The examination began shortly after. It was a little bit difficult but I was able to answer three questions correctly. Hala disturbing me for answers didn't make it easier for me. I did tell her a few, but I was being extra careful because I didn't want to be caught and penalized for malpractice. The last thing I wanted was to taint my family's image.

As usual, Na'eem was one of the first persons to submit his sheets.

He winked at me before walking out of the hall.

Whatever that was for.

Thirty minutes later, I was done penning down the answers to the questions I knew. I was about to go and submit when Hala stopped me.

"Wait, Manal," Hala whispered from behind me. "You haven't told me the answer to number 1c."

"I thought I already showed it to you," I whispered back.

"I couldn't see it clearly. Just read it out to me."

"Plant design refers to the overall design of a manufacturing enterprise or facility. It moves through several stages before it is completed. The stages involved are identification and selection of the product to be manufactured, feasibility analysis and appraisal, design, economic evalua—"

"Manal!" The invigilator yelled. "What are whispering? Are you cheating?"

"No, sir." I stood. "I was just about to submit."

"Do that right now." He commanded.

I apologetically glanced at Hala before proceeding to submit my sheets.

As soon as I walked out of the hall, I sighted Na'eem. He was seated on the bench under the tree—the one we always sat on to discuss after every examination.

I walked up to him. "Can I sit here?"

He narrowed his eyes at me. "When did you start asking for permission?"

"Today," I responded.

"Why?" He raised a brow. "What has changed? Oh!" He exclaimed before I could answer. "Your fiancè probably told you not to be friends with me anymore."

"I..." My voice trailed. Na'eem wasn't entirely wrong. Jawaad did tell me to limit my closeness with Na'eem, but not to stop being friends with him entirely. At first, I made a fuss about it, but I later understand that he was just jealous. He said he felt I was closer to Na'eem than I was with him.

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