72: Jawaad

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Almost 4,000 words!! 🥵
This is two chapters in one, guys. Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

A shocker at the end 🥺

"You took ten million naira from the office and gave it to Imani?" Muhammad boomed.

I stood and began to pace to and fro. I still couldn't accept the fact that Imani was fraudulent. There had to be an explanation for the misconception.

"I'm asking you a question, Jawaad." Muhammad came to stand in front of me. "Why did you give such an amount to her?"

"She said she wanted to use it..." My voice trailed into nothing.

Muhammad groaned. "Obviously. She won't just demand the money from you and keep it in a coffer. Surely she will use it for one thing or the other. What did she tell you that convinced you that she needed the money?"

"Do you remember when she was attacked? I told you about it."


"The reason why she was attacked was that she owes a man money and she claimed the man has been harassing her and... won't leave her alone until he gets his money... I took pity on her and decided to help her pay off her debt. I..." My voice trailed. I couldn't keep speaking, for my voice kept on breaking.

"And just like that, you gave her the money?" Muhammad shook his head in what I assumed to be disbelief. "Come on, Jawaad! What were you thinking?"

I had given her the money because I trusted her. It never crossed my mind that may be up to something. Seeing her in that state didn't give me the chance to have a rational thought. How could she have faked the emotions? Those tears were all counterfeited?

Great! Just great!

"What were you thinking?" He repeated his question. "you didn't even confide in me first because taking so a bug decision. Are you sure that lady didn't put you under the influence of a spell?"

I shot him a sordid glare.

"No, don't give me that look." He shook his head. "I'm being serious right now. It doesn't sound ordinary to me."

"I wasn't under a spell, okay?" I rebuffed. "I did what I did out of pity. Imani is an orphan. She doesn't even have a good relationship with her relatives. She doesn't have anyone to help her out and that was why I decided to take responsibility."

"Why do I feel this story of hers is made up?"

I gazed at him, questionably.

He shrugged and answered my unasked question. "Probably to extort money from you. Those types of people are smart. They can do anything just so they have their way. They are that guileful, I tell you."

I rose to my feet and began to walk towards the exit of the house.

"Where are you going?" Muhammad hollered after me.

"I'm going to find answers to my questions."

"At least wait let's discuss strategically and know how to go about this."

"No, thanks, I can handle this myself," I said and slammed the door behind me.

I walked to the parking space where my car was parked and clambered in.

Due to the way I was driving, one could think I was drunk-driving or so.

My mind had become vague again. I couldn't arrive at a valid conclusion on why she would do something as vile as that to me.

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