3. Manal

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"Are you alright?" He repeated his question.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but no words could emerge. At the moment, I hoped the earth would open and engulf me. I shut my eyes tightly. I was totally embarrassed - this wasn't how I planned our first meeting. I wanted his first impression of me to be perfect, for first impressions always matters a lot.

Opening one of my eyelids a little, I sighted him taking his cellphone out of his pant pocket. I wondered who he was trying to call. "I...I'm alright." I finally replied. "I need to go home right now."

"It would be hard for you to find a taxi at this hour. Where do you live? I can drop you off." He offered.

He wasn't only handsome, but very nice as well - this made me feel less heavyhearted. "Alright." I nodded.

My gaze trailed behind him as he walked to where his car was parked. I didn't even realise how tall he was until now. He looked even better in person. Pictures didn't do justice to his looks.

He halted in his tracks and spun around. "Are you coming or not?"

I mentally face palmed. I wondered what he was going on in his mind. He must have thought I was a weirdo. He saves me from being raped. The least I could do is show my gratitude to him, but there I was, gawking impertinently at him. "Why so stupid?" I cringed, then ambled towards him in calculated, girly steps - that was the highest I could do, to make him realise I was also sophisticated. I was trying so hard to impress him, I knew, but what could I do? It was the most embarrassing moment of my life.

Throughout the ride, he didn't speak to me, not even to ask for name or phone number. He only spoke to me once and that was when he asked for my address. He must be disgusted by me - I pouted. The atmosphere in the car was eerily quiet. I wanted to break the silence, start up a conversation by thanking him for saving my life, but I was too embarrassed to even speak.

He suddenly stopped at a T junction.

I looked around, perplexed. Did he intend to drop me off here?

"Right or left?" He questioned.

"Oh!" I muttered underneath my breath and heaved a sigh of relief. "Right."

He continued driving and silence took over again.

My mind drifted from him to my mother. I could only pray she was asleep and my absence hadn't been noticed.

Ya Allah, please help me.

The last thing I wanted was for my family to be disappointed in me. All my life, I had strived to make them proud of me and to trust me. I prayed my one mistake wouldn't destroy their hard earned trust in me.

Incoherently, I heard him speak, pulling me out of my trance.

"Huh? Did you say something?" I asked.

"What's your house number?" He questioned.

I looked through the windscreen and realised we were couple of mansions away from mine. "It's okay if you drop me off right here. I can walk home from here." I was being extra cautious. My mother or my sibling, Imran, might see me getting off his car and explanation would be absolutely useless. I didn't want to take the risk.

"Are you sure?" He gazed at me for a second or so, before averting his gaze elsewhere.

"Yes." I replied and opened the door. I didn't even bother to spare him another glance, before alighting the car and walking home, my pace increasing with every new step I took.

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