32: Manal

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After Farida had left, a serene feeling of relief surmounted me. I had rarely spoken about the problem we had and tried as much as I could to prove I wasn't bothered by the whole thing, but deep within me, I knew we needed some kind of closure. I was glad Farida took the initiative, even though that was how it was meant to be, since she was the one that started the whole thing.

Farida seemed genuinely sorry for her outburst. I couldn't stay angry at her, even if I wanted it. The whole thing had already begun to weigh me down. I was glad—glad that we were able to settle our difference, but at the same time, I felt really bad. The last thing I wanted, was to be the reason for her separation with Farouq. For a fact, I knew she had deep feelings for him and I could say the same for Farouq. Yes, he wronged me, but I felt keeping a grudge against him would be utterly useless. He did what he had to do. A part of me wished I could bring back the relationship they shared.

"Amigaaaaaaa!" Hala dashed into the room and engulfed me in a tight hug. "Amiga!" She tightened her arms around me and spun us around.

I furrowed my brows in confusion and pushed her away. "Hey! What's the excitement about?"

A broad smile etched her face. "Guess what!"

I rolled my eyes in exasperation. "I can't. You know how terrible I am at guessing."

"Still." She rolled her eyes as well. "Don't be a killjoy. Just try."

"You met president Buhari." I feigned enthusiasm.

"What?" She cringed. "Of course not. And why would I even be happy if I met him? I'd most definitely walk pass him if I did. Try again."

I heaved a sigh. "You're getting married?"

Hala chuckled and then burst into an hysterical laughter. "Married? Me? Are you serious right now? You must be kidding. I'm only eighteen. Do I look like someone who's ready to get married? Besides, I haven't even found the right guy yet."

"Okay..." My voice trailed. "If it isn't any of the aforementioned, what then is it?"

"My boyfriend just promised to get me the latest iPhone tomorrow." She giggled. "Did you hear that? I'm getting a new phone, Amiga!"

I hummed, totally lost for words. I honestly didn't know how I was supposed to react to the news. First off, I had no idea she was in a relationship and even if she was, wasn't it too early to be exchanging expensive gifts?

"Why aren't you saying anything?" She sneered. "Don't tell me you're bitter about this."

I scrunched my face up in disbelief. "Bitter?"

"I mean unhappy." She corrected. "As my best friend, I expect you to be happy for me, but it seems you aren't."

"Yay!" I jumped, throwing my hands up in the air. "Hala is getting a new phone! I'm so happy." I flashed a grin.

"Quit being dramatic." She rolled her eyes. "I don't need that right now. I expect you to be serious. You know, sometimes, your actions really hurt me. I consider you a friend—my best friend, but I don't think you see me in the same light. Whenever I come to you with good news, you're always nonchalant, but when the tables are turned, I get really happy for you. I'm honestly beginning to think this friendship is one-sided."

I suppressed the urge to laugh at Hala, whining like a little child. It was true that I always display an attitude of nonchalance almost every time, but what did she expect? She was never serious anyways. I didn't fancy her type of lifestyle, but at the same time, I knew I had no choice, but to bear it. She was the only friend I had—the only person I was sure had my back. "Really?" I shook my head. "I don't think so. If truly you consider me a friend as you said, then you wouldn't have hidden the fact that you're in a relationship from me. You have a boyfriend. Wow! I didn't even know that. So much for being your best friend."

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