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"You're leaving for work already?" I asked, pouting.

The past six months had been joyous for me because I got to spend quality time with my husband. It saddened me that he was about to resume work and that I wouldn't be able to see him in the afternoons.

"Yup." He nodded, buttoning up his white shirt. "Do you want to come along?"

I sneered. "Of course not. Why would I want to go to your office with you? I'd be bored because you won't even pay any attention to me. I'd rather stay here and watch Korean dramas."

"I won't even allow you to come to the office with me even if you wanted," he planted a chaste kiss on her forehead and picked up his bag. "There are a lot of men there. I won't be able to stand it if anyone looks at you or pass an inappropriate remark. You're only going to distract me so much that I wouldn't be able to concentrate on my work."

I smiled at that. Jawaad definitely knew the right words to say at the right time. Each time he showed his possessive side to me, I fell even deeper in love with him.

My husband.

"See you when I get back." He caressed my cheek—a newfound habit of his—before walking through the door.

"May Allah protect you," I mumbled. He didn't even allow me to pray for him before leaving. I wondered what the hurry was for. It wasn't as if he would be queried if he gets a little late.


Jawaad had only just left, but his absence was starting to dawn on me. I despised the feeling of being alone. Jawaad had volunteered to look for a job for me, but I rejected the offer. I rejected it not because I didn't want to work, but because we had just gotten married. I didn't want anything to get between Jawaad and me. I wanted to take my time to build our home and fulfill my responsibilities as a wife well.

I got out of bed and sauntered to the kitchen to prepare something for myself. Only then did I realize Jawaad didn't have anything to eat before leaving for work.

I sighed at the sight of the dirty dishes in the sink and returned to the sitting room. I was too demoralized to even cook anything.

I just hate doing the dishes alone!

Ever since we got married, it had always been Jawaad and me, washing the dirty plates together, and strangely, I enjoyed every second of it. He made the chore seem like a romantic activity.

Jawaad was also fond of helping me in other household chores such as sweeping the house and cooking.

He cooks better than me.

Since it's Jawaad's first day at work after our marriage, I decided to prepare a surprise for him when he gets back—with the help of my best friend, his sister.

"Hello, Manal," came Farida's voice when she picked up my call.

"Hii!" I squealed, excited for the surprise I had in mind for my husband.

"You seem to be in a happy mood," she commented. "What's up?"

"Jawaad has resumed work and—"

"You're happy about it?"

"Of course not," I chuckled. I wished I could explain how bored I was without him in the house. It felt like I was in a desert. "I want to surprise him when he gets home from work."

"What kind of a surprise?"

"I want to cook for him. You know I haven't really cooked for him since we got married. When we're not eating out, he's the one cooking. I want to be a better wife to Jawaad, Farida."

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