Chapter 60

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The dark hero woke up to noise coming from downstairs, he opened his eyes and looked at the time and it read 06:00 am. He frowned at this as he slowly started to get out of bed, he quickly put on a shirt and opened the door to his room and headed for downstairs. When he reached the bottom, he saw Lois sitting on the couch packing a few of her clothes into a bag. This surprised him a bit but he decided to ask her about it.


The beautiful journalist turned to acknowledge him.

"Oh, hey". She gave a small smile,"What are you doing up this early?".

"Same could be said about you". He countered.

"I'm just packing, that's all". She said with a sigh.


She was quiet for a moment.

"Lois, if this is about Clark visiting you a few days back yo-".

"Yes, it is about that". She cut him off,"The encounter confirmed to me that I was ready to face him again".

"Oh, you're going back to Metropolis?".

"Yeah, besides I still have a job there and I don't want to stay away too long". She said closing the bag after packing everything.

"You're right". He smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll miss you too". She smiled as she got up to face him,"Besides, I'll come visit as much as I can".

"I know".

Then her smile fell before she turned to pick up her bag.

"Goodbye, Troy". She kissed his cheek before turning to head for the door.

Troy heard the door close after a second and he closed his eyes. To say he was disappointed would be an understatement, he had just gotten used to having her around and now she was gone. She was his closest friend and the only one that tried to understand him unlike the others.

"I hope this cools off Clark at the very least". He sighed.


Darkforce got a tip that there was another weapon's deal going off in a warehouse somewhere by the harbor, Yin contacted him and said that she had also gotten the same tip from one of her jailhouse sources. One of the men eventually broke and told the cops everything, Ross was very thorough when it came to her interrogations and someone always eventually broke. The dark hero didn't want to know what she did to make her victims talk.

He saw Yin's cruiser parked a few meters away from the warehouse, he made a moonsault and landed on the roof of the car which made the poor detective jump slightly. A second later, the dark hero's head showed itself in her window and upside down.

"Hey, beautiful". He smiled,"Nice night, huh?".

"I hope you didn't leave a dent in my car's roof, because if you did you're gonna regret it". She snapped at him with narrow eyes.

"Oh, you". He said before making flip off the car and landing in her field of view.

Yin got out of her car and closed the door behind her, then she put on her red jacket and made sure to check her gun was loaded.

"Shall we, princess?". He asked taking a regal posture.

"Quit it with the names!".

He shrugged and fired a chain before launching himself to the roof of the warehouse, the young detective sighed and headed for the front entrance. Darkforce scoured the top of the building and came to a window and looked inside, he scanned the interior and noticed a large muscular guy in a gas-like mask, talking to his henchmen.

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