Chapter 81

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Trigon floated in midair as he fired his red Beams of energy, the dark hero jumped and swinger over each attack before launching in for an attack but got punched into the ground. The interdimensional demon landed with a stomp on Darkforce's body and proceeded to continue with the brutal torture, the dark hero blocker the last stomp before pushing the Demon away and firing a chain at his face which lashed him in the face with fiery intensity.

Wonder Woman blocked the dark lord's Omega Beams before slashing her sword at the New God but he merely gripped the blade and slammed her into the ground, Superman dashed in and punched him across the face before driving him into the ground. Darkseid got infuriated and smacked him across the jaw which sent the Kryptonian sprawling, the Amazon princess slid in with her lasso and wrapped it around the body of the dark ruler before unleashing a powerful punch across the jaw of the New God.

Superman rushed in with a punch but Darkseid broke out of the lasso and evaded the hit in time before firing his Omega Beams, Wonder Woman got in front of Superman and blocked them with her bracelets.

"Guess we're doing our job right". Superman said.

"I'm more concerned with Trigon than with Darkseid at the moment". The Amazon frowned.

"Troy seems to be handling him but I don't know for how long".

Then they both quickly jumped away from the approaching form of the dark ruler.

Trigon teleported at various spots to tag the dark hero but thanks to his divine sense, Darkforce was able to detect him before he even made an appearance. He jumped onto the roof of a building before backflipping away from the blast of hell fire, he then fired his chains and they attached to the Demon. The dark hero pulled and he dragged him down onto the roof before dashing in for a punch but Trigon shifted reality and the dark hero found himself going through the Demon.

"You think you're the only one with tricks". Trigon glared with intensity,"I could kill you in an instant".

"Many have tried". Darkforce expressed.

Trigon dashed in and gripped him by the throat before zooming off toward a building where he pinned the body of the dark hero on the side of it causing cracks and a slight shockwave, then he threw him down toward the ground and blasted his red Beams of energy at him. The dark hero landed with a loud boom and doubled by the blasts of energy hitting him a second later, Trigon landed in the crater and continued to blast his Beams of red energy and this knocked the dark hero back a few yards away.

Superman punched Darkseid multiple times before he got blasted back by his Omega Beams, the Amazon dashed in for a slash with her sword but the dark lord saw her coming and punched her square in the midsection. He gripped her by the hair before slamming her into the ground multiple times before stepping over her body, Superman flew in for a punch but Darkseid caught it and punched across the jaw before hitting him in the midsection twice and finally driving him into the ground.

Diana pushed herself up and threw her lasso around Darkseid's neck and gripped onto it tightly, the dark lord noticed this before kicking her away. She flew into the air before performing a backflip and landing on her feet, then she proceeded to pull on the rope with every ounce of strength she had.

"Complete disappointment". Darkseid said in disgust,"The Spartan has far more raw power than you and proves for more potential".

"I may not be strong like him but at least I'm smart enough to know that he'll kill you, Darkseid". She said as a smirk formed on her lips.

"Delusional Amazon".

The Amazon responded merely by pulling on the lasso which caused the lord of Apokolips to be surprised as he sailed toward her fist, a shockwave pulsed out as the hit landed and sent the dark lord flying. Superman caught him in midair and they sailed toward space, the Amazon turned and saw the dark hero evade Trigon at a rapid speed which even took her awhile to keep up.

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