Chapter 63

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After the near decimation of the entire world, the government set work to rebuilt the damaged cities that Troy and Superman almost destroyed, including New York. The other League members were disgusted by the two's actions, they were more disappointed when they found out that Troy was the one who instigated the whole fight and most started to distance themselves from him. The President requested the presence of both heroes at the White House in DC to talk about what happened, none of the two heroes were up to this task but they had to do it.

The dark hero stood that night by the balcony and watched the city lights, he had a ice cold beer bottle in his hand.

"Thinking about something?". A voice said behind him.

He slightly turned and saw Mari approaching him with a beer bottle in hand as well, she stopped by the balcony and leaned against it and watched the city as well.

"You know the other League members might unfriend you if they see you around me". He said nonchalantly before taking a small sip from his bottle.

"Screw them, Troy. I can't abandon a friend when their down". She replied with a smirk,"Besides, I already told you that I'll always stick by your side. You and I, we're best buds.........or something like that".

"Even though I almost destroyed the world?". He asked with a small smile.

"First of all, the world is still in one piece". She said gesturing the city around her,"Second of all, you weren't the only one almost destroying the world anyways".

"Yeah, but everyone forgave Superman even though he was involved". Troy said before turning to face her,"One talk from Diana and they all decided to forgive him that easily".

"Well, it makes sense. He is the symbol of hope for everyone". Mari said before frowning at the next moment,"What surprises me the most is that the people that said they'll always have your back quickly turned on you, even Kara is conflicted on who's side she should take".

"That Mari, is the ugly truth that life offers you on a daily basis and I had to deal with it for four millennia. The ones I considered my closest friends and allies stabbed me in the back and you know what, it fucking hurts".

Mari stared at the dark hero for a moment. A tear was slowly trying to force its way out of her left eye but she stopped it from escaping, then she quickly composed herself.

"Haven't you suffered enough?". She asked softly with dread in her voice.

Troy was quiet for a moment, he bowed his head and tried to think of an answer but couldn't, he was tired of always coming up with answers. Strands of hair fell in his face and he slowly moved them out of his face, he took a final sip from his bottle before turning to face the Totem holder.

"I think it's that time of the year to cut my hair again".

"I love it long". She said with a small smile.

"I don't". He said as he started heading inside of the apartment,"The longer it gets the more I remember of what I lost".

Mari watched him head inside and for a moment she swore she saw a figure of a woman with black hair and blue eyes behind him, her eyes widened slightly at this and she quickly shook her head and turned to face the city again.

"Where did it all go wrong, Troy?". She asked herself quietly.


The White House was a wonder to look at, it had such a spectacular view and the way the sun's light reflected off it's large mass was magnificent. The view would have been enjoyable if the dark hero wasn't surrounded by the US military and government official bodyguards, they all kept sending him intimidating looks but the dark hero wasn't fazed by this.

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