Chapter 19

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As Darkforce swung through the city he occasionally looked up to spot the two titans but he still hadn't found them. Suddenly, he spotted a fireball fall towards the city but then he realised that it was headed toward the outskirts. Then the fireball hit the ground and caused a large shockwave that sent out a torrent of black dust out into the city, Darkforce headed for the location of Superman and Doomsday.


Darkforce arrived at the location and saw Doomsday stomping on Superman, the monster grabbed the hero's arms and broke them. Darkforce heard the arms snap and he heard Superman screamed in pain, he fired his chains and they hit Doomsday in the face hard. The monster stumbled back and groaned, the dark spartan fired another set of chains and they wrapped around the monster. Darkforce then swung the monster around and around until it was only a blur, he then threw him toward the direction of the city.

Superman fired his lasers at the monster to let him fly away further. Darkforce leaned Superman against a slab of concrete, they realised they were at a construction site. Superman groaned in pain.

"Your arms are gonna heal, right?". Darkforce asked.

"Yeah. But not fast enough, by the time I heal it will be too late". Superman said.

"Then we have no choice. I will have to beat it". Darkforce said.

"No!". Superman exclaimed,"We barely had a chance when we fought it together. What makes you think you have a better chance?".

Darkforce frowned sadly,"If I don't do anything that thing is going to kill everyone".

Superman was quiet for a moment before saying,"He'll kill you".

Darkforce smiled sadly,"Maybe. But I'm a Spartan and we don't run from things bigger than us, we face them head on. And I have to do this because I'm the last League member standing". Then the dark hero got to his feet and started to walk away but then he stopped as he looked at Superman.

"Give a him a few punches for me". Superman said,"I'll get there as soon as I can".

Darkforce gave a nod and fired his chains, he winced a little when he felt a familiar pain in his right right arm. Then he took off toward the city.

"Be careful, Troy". Superman whispered.


When Darkforce arrived at the scene he saw Doomsday ripping apart a robotic armor suit, the dark hero paled when he saw Doomsday lift Lex Luthor out of the armor suit. The monster threw Lex at a monument statue but Darkforce was faster and he came in front of Lex and caught him, the monument cracked a little when Darkforce took all the impact. Lex opened his eyes and looked up to see Darkforce staring at him, he growled at the hero in rage.

Darkforce left Lex and got up to confront his possible demise, he felt hollow just imagining it.

"No! I'm supposed to win!". Lex yelled at Darkforce.

Lois saw the hero stare at the monster and the monster at him, she gestured Jimmy to roll the camera.

"This battle has carried on for hours now and it appears as if Superman is out commission. Darkforce is the last Justice League member left standing and I think by the way these two are staring at each other. This is the Final Battle between man and monster". Lois reported, before Jimmy shifted the camera to the two superhumans.


Everyone at the Ace o Club's saw Darkforce facing Doomsday down, they all looked worried at this point. Superman was their last hope.

"Come on, Darkforce. Kick this nut's ass, do it for your buddy Superman". Bibo encouraged through the screen.

The crowd cheered along with Bibo's encouraging.


Darkforce stood and decided to take a deep breath, something he always did before facing a powerful enemy. He opened his eyes and saw the monster growling at him, he glared at the monster with murder in his eyes. His whole body screamed with pain but he suppressed it, he had to hold on long enough until he got the edge around the monster or until Superman healed and came back. By now, Darkforce was adapted to Doomsday's powerful blows and he could take them now more directly without getting injured easily.

The monster got tired of waiting and roared in rage and then ran at top speed toward Darkforce, the dark hero used his speed to dodge the monster at the last minute. The monster turned but was met by multiple powerful blows from Darkforce, the monster swinged his arm but the dark hero caught it and he threw the monster over him into a car. The car caved in when Doomsday crashed into it but then Darkforce appeared and landed more blows on the monster and forced the creature further into the damaged car.

Doomsday stopped another punch and kicked Darkforce away sending him into a building, Lois looked away when Darkforce was knocked back. The dark hero appeared again and dodged a punch thrown by the monster, he jumped over it and shot his chains at it and pulled himself back toward it. He collided with the monster and they landed into the ground, causing a shockwave that erupted a powerful breeze and dust.

Darkforce stomped the face of Doomsday into the ground and forced the monster's head further into the ground, he evaded a punch and continued stomping the monster's face. Then Doomsday fired his lasers but Darkforce brought up his forearms and blocked the blast, he held the blockage to the lasers and then landed another punch. Doomsday punched the dark spartan and sent him flying, he landed onto the roof of a truck and he groaned. Doomsday jumped into the air with his arms raised and came crashing down toward Darkforce.

"Oh crap". Darkforce said.

Doomsday brought his arms down once he crash landed on Darkforce, making the truck to cave in completely. The monster landed multiple blows on the barely conscious form of Darkforce and it then continued its assault. It lifted the dark hero by the throat and slammed him into the ground multiple times, then it stomped on the dark hero before then throwing him into a tanker truck that immediately exploded when the dark hero hit.

"Oh my god". Lois said, softly.

Doomsday roared in triumph. But then the burning truck moved and fell to its side, the monster turned and looked at the truck with a growl.

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