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The breeze of a cold wind blew through the city of Gotham, dying trees shed their last leaves as they were left barren. The world was silenced after the devastating death of the dark hero known as Darkforce, the funeral progression for the hero was held in Washington DC. The president felt a hero such as him deserved to be buried next to the other great heroes of USA, it was a noble act on her part.

Having the hero die a second time was even more painful for everyone. He came back the previous time but this time, there was no sign of his existence anywhere and it felt empty without his presence. Crime had drastically dropped as well, much to the surprise of authorities and heroes all alike.

It made them realize that the dark hero was the balance and support of everything, him being gone killed any interest of criminals trying anything. But they knew it would be temporary, such good things never lasted forever.

It was also decided to rebuilt the city of New York in honor of the hero, they knew it would be difficult but they would do it together. Such times required everyone to stand together and help each other, it was what made humanity such a unique race.

The Queen of Atlantis, Mera was heartbroken by the news of the dark hero's death that it made the oceans wild and chaotic and many ships experienced near death situations. The League tried to calm her down but she got rageful and took her anger and frustration out on everyone, she nearly killed all of them. Raven, luckily showed up and emphasized with her pain and the Queen finally relented and ceased all chaos.

The daughter of Trigon was currently sitting on the roof of the apartment that Yin and Artemis lived in, they invited the teenager to stay with them for awhile until she felt better. But the hadn't changed yet, the reality was still painful and infuriating.


Raven didn't respond and just stared ahead, Gotham was terrible city for her but today it looked appealing and she know why. Maybe it was just her pain making her see things or maybe something else. She didn't care.

"You've been up here for hours now". Artemis said as she put her hands on her shoulders from behind,"Come inside. You'll catch a cold".

"I don't feel anything, Artemis. I just don't feel anything". Raven said in a hoarse voice as she bowed her head.

"I know what you're feeling, Rachel". Artemis hugged her,"But staying up here feeling sorry for yourself won't help things. I know it's hard but you need to be able to pull yourself together".

"I know. But I just can't. He meant everything to me, I can't just move on". Raven said turning to face the Amazon.

"We'll figure it out together". Artemis smiled at her as she smiled at her,"He would have wanted that".

Raven nodded.

"Come on. Let's go see what Yin is up to". Artemis said before pulling the younger girl up to her feet.

They headed back inside the building and headed for their apartment, the building was quiet for the most part and it was for the best. Raven looked up at Artemis and noticed how red her eyes were, she also realized how she carried herself when she walked. She was exhausted.

"Art, are you okay?".

Artemis smiled sadly before shaming her head.

"I would be lying if I said yes. Waking up constantly from nightmares is killing me, Yin also has night terrors and I have to constantly console her. It's not easy on both of us but we need to keep going so that our babies are healthy when they are born, we don't want them to suffer because of our negligence". Artemis explained.

"I didn't realize. I'm sorry". Raven said.

"Don't apologize, Rachel. It doesn't mean you're at fault. We just need to fix our broken spirits that's all".

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