Chapter 83

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Explosions were sent high into the air, shockwaves blasted throughout the city as the forms of Trigon and Darkseid were being brutalized at the cost of high powered energy but it was not draining to the darkly clad assailant. Darkforce didn't give them time to recover and continued to beat the ever living galaxies out of them.

He was Omni locked, their reality warping abilities did little to bother him.

The two Titans noticed that the dark hero was silent during his attacks, he never spoke and merely only had murder in his eyes. His movements were eerie and terrifying and he moved at incredible speeds that they could not register, he was breaking every law of physics at this moment.

Trigon felt a fiery slice across his face and he flew back, Darkseid dashed in to hit the dark hero but Darkforce ducked under the hit before stabbing both blades into his gut before driving him into the ground. Trigon fired his beams of red energy but the dark hero blocked them before throwing one of his blades at the Demon, the blade landed square into one of his eyes and he roared as an explosion occurred.

The intense heat from the Spartan Rage dome that surrounded them was wearing them down, Darkseid's entire body was steaming and he crouched to one knee. The dark hero was unaffected as he silently stalked toward him, the blades sizzling loudly with fiery energy.

"Your lust will be your undoing". Darkseid said.

This caused the dark hero's orange glowing eyes to narrow to slits, his entire scowl projected power and dominance.

Trigon landed a blow to the back of his spine, the dark hero sensed the attack but he decided to take the blow and he merely skidded across the ground before coming to a stop on one knee.

"Your death is now!!!". Trigon growled.


Raven was watching the city as they kept a clear distance. As she was about to return to the others she felt her mind take an intense mental stab to its soft regions, she screamed and held her head. Damian quickly stopped and ran over to her, he held her close as he saw the others come up to them.

"You okay?".

"W-we have to go back". Raven hyperventilated,"I can't stay away from him! It hurts whenever I try to stay away!".

"But Raven-". Wonder Woman started.

"Troy won't let us near that dome he created with his Spartan Rage". Superman cut in.

"You fly to the sun everyday. Can't you just fly into it?". Shazam asked.

Superman looked down.

"Unfortunately, I can't. Whatever the Spartan Rage is, it's not normal and it's deadly to even me".

"The intense heat is too much for all of us to bear". Supergirl spoke up as she looked ahead.

"Man, Troy was not kidding when he said he was going all out". Nightwing muttered.

"I did not know he even possessed that much power". Starfire added.

"I will shield everyone, okay? We just need to go back because I can't take the pain!". Raven suddenly growled as her eyes turned red.

Some jumped at her terrifying visage.

"We need to go back. It's the only way she'll feel better". Damian spoke up.

"Out of the question, mate!". Constantine interrupted,"You know how much energy and concentration it takes to hold up and maintain a shield? A lot, I tell you. And little Miss Sunshine here isn't gonna last a second in her current condition".

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