Chapter 4

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A car drove on the East Coast of San Francisco Bay, it was heading somewhere important and special.

Dick Grayson was driving the car while Troy Spartan sat quietly like a statue, it was an awkward. It was also a bad time for the radio to be broken.

"Sooo....". Dick started.

Troy looked up at the guy who was next to him. They didn't know each other well, they only met once when Bruce decided to introduce them.

"I heard you're dating a hot alien. That's cool". Troy put in.

"Oh, thanks". Dick replied.

He didn't know if the statement was a compliment or an insult, it was hard for him to read Troy. Plus, he was kind of intimidated by him when he heard from Bruce that he went toe to toe with the Man of Steel himself.

"What's the point of all this?". Troy said, rhetorically.

"Bruce thought it would be good for you to know a few others of our large family". Dick said.

"Rhetorical question. But, thanks". Troy said.

Dick smiled before seeing something familiar up ahead.

"We're here". Dick announced.

Troy looked up and was surprised to see a large building that was shaped like a giant 'T'. It seemed to look bigger as they got closer.

The car came to a stop and Dick exited the car first, followed by Troy. Troy scanned the large building and was mesmerized by its strong structure and beautiful design.

"Come on. They should probably be in the back, doing training". Dick said, walking away.

Troy immediately fell into step and followed the former Robin. After walking for a few minutes they came to the back of the building, Troy saw a tall orange skinned woman and a guy in a blue suit sparring.

"Hey, guys". Dick greeted as they approached.

The tall girl stopped and turned to see Dick, the others also turned to look.

"Dick!". The tall girl said, running up to hug Dick.

"Good to see you too, Starfire". Dick replied.

She pulled away and then looked at Troy who had a neutral expression, she saw he had medium long hair and piercing gold eyes. He was very handsome in her opinion but she immediately pushed the thought away.

"Who is this?". Starfire asked.

"This is Troy". Dick said, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Oh. Batman told us about him, he said he was coming to get to know us better". The Tamaran girl said.

"Apparently". Troy mumbled.

"So does he want to join in on the sparring?". Blue beetle asked.

"It all depends to him". Starfire said.

"Hold on, guys. He just got here, maybe we should.....". Dick stopped talking when he felt Troy's hand on his shoulder.

"I could go for a couple of rounds". Troy smiled,"Plus, I want to see what you're capable of".

"Alright". Blue beetle said.

"I will go first. If you don't mind of course". Starfire said.

"Oh, I don't know. I'm not that comfortable fighting girls". Troy said.

"Trust me, bro. Kori is very capable". Dick said.

"Oh, so now it's Kori is it?". Troy said.

Everyone laughed at that. Except Damian who was observing Troy with utter focus, he heard from his Father that he was powerful but he wanted to know how powerful.

Troy stepped onto the field without any weapons, while Starfire used her bo staff and gave it a few twirls.

"You are not using a weapon?". Starfire asked, a little confused by this.

"I'm more comfortable this way". Troy said, getting his fists up.

Once Troy's fists went up, Dick knew this was not going to end well. He approached a little forward and addressed Troy.

"Go easy on her, Troy". He said.

"No promises". Troy said.

Dick winced at that.

The others didn't know why Dick said that or why he suddenly looked so worried.

Starfire floated forward and struck the first few blows, Troy dodged or blocked the attacks with his forearms. He punched at her to which she narrowly blocked with her staff, the force of the blow sent her staggering back. She got her bearings and launched forward but Troy already evaded her at an unnatural speed, this shocked Starfire and the others.

He dodged another attack from Starfire and weaved under another one and elbowed her side, she fell back and grunted in pain. Troy winced at that blow he inflicted on her, he had to be more careful when it came to his inhuman strength blows.

Starfire finally got to her feet after struggling for a few moments, she twirled her staff at Troy to which he dodged every time it came for his head. He weaved under another attack and rose to grab the staff, they struggled to pull the staff out of each other's hands.

"Sorry about the blow". Troy said with a smile.

"It's fine. I'm okay". She said back.

Then she gave him a kick which sent him flying back, he got up in time to get a staff from being impaled in his head. He made a spin and kicked her away from the staff, then he jumped into the air and kicked the staff at her.

The pointed side of the staff hit her in the middle of the chest, sending her flying back. Troy landed with a graceful crouch.

Starfire slowly got up while holding her side and groaned in pain, Dick ran up to her and helped her up.

"Are you okay?". He asked.

"That was amazing!". Starfire exclaimed, immediately forgetting the pain.

"Huh?". Dick looked confused.

The Tamaran girl floated to Troy and grabbed his arm, Troy was not sure what was happening. He hurt her a few moments ago and she was happy about it.

"You are really strong, Troy. You would make a good titan". She smiled at him.

"Yeah. But I gotta decline, I'm still getting my life back together after all". Troy said.

Starfire's shoulders sagged,"Yes. We heard you were from a different world in another universe and that you have suffered a great loss".

"Yeah". Troy said.

Then he felt himself being drawn into a hug by her. She was tall so that meant he got a good view of her chest and the feel of it on his face.

"I think that's enough". Troy said.

She let him go,"I'm sorry. I was told a hug made a person feel better".

"Yeah, sometimes". Troy said, rubbing his head.

"Come on, Troy. Let's get back home". Dick said.

Troy immediately waved to the others before following Dick.

"Your girl sure is definitely affectionate". Troy said.

"Yeah, that's how she is". Dick replied with a smile.

Dick felt a little uneasy when he saw Starfire hug Troy, he knew he could trust her but he just couldn't help himself by feeling that way.


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