Chapter 6

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Troy faced the holograms of his old enemies. Bruce was able to recreate his old enemies from his memories, something that was good in a way but also a little weird. Bruce suggested recreating the gods and monsters that he faced before, but Troy said he was not ready for that.

The holograms of Thanos, Doom, Whiplash and Ultron glared at him. Doom attacked first by blasting electricity, but Troy easily evaded and lunged in. He punched Doom many times, each punch resulting in yells of anger.

"I think he has it personal with these guys". Superman said, as they observed behind the big glass.

"These were the enemies he faced before he came here and also the ones that wiped out his team and friends". Batman said.

"I can see how angry he is at himself for what happened". Wonder woman said, watching Darkforce rip Doom's head off.

"Can't blame him". Superman said.

Darkforce easily avoided Whiplash's whips and kicked him in the chest and elbowed him in his abdomen, he evaded a red blast of energy from Ultron and fired his chains.

"I always wondered where those chains come from". Superman said, rubbing his chin.

"I want to know how he fires them from his arms". Batman said.

"He told me he obtained them from a monster he killed. The monster had these chains wrapped around it, it was a curse for it. When he killed the monster, the chains essence was transferred to his body and they psychically linked with his mind and they would appear if he mentally commanded them to appear". Wonder woman said.

"Why didn't you tell us?". Batman asked.

"He and I have been bonding as friends recently and I wanted to tread lightly". She said.

"Yeah, that's probably understandable". Superman said.

Then they all jumped when they saw Ultron's robotic body hit the glass screen. Darkforce stood in the middle of the room, with small tears on his suit but he looked fine.

"Am I done?". He asked.

"Yes, we're done for the day. Head for the showers". Batman said, through a microphone.

Darkforce walked out and looked angrier than usual. Superman and Batman gave each other a look.

"I'll go talk to him". Wonder woman said, walking out.


Troy pulled off his mask as he walked and pulled off the top half of his suit and revealed his well built chest and rock hard abs, he was feeling heat that needed to be cooled down.

"Troy?". A voice said.

"Not now, Bruce". Troy replied a little pissed.

"It's me, Diana". The voice said.

Troy turned and saw Wonder woman in the red and silver costume, the one that he liked a lot.

"Oh. What can I do for you?". He asked, a little calm now.

Diana had to fight down the urge to look down at his sweat glistening abs, she didn't feel that way about him but it made her feel weird.

"Why do you torture yourself like this?". She asked.

"It's what I'm good at and because it's my fault my team died because of my negligence". Troy said, as strands fell into his face.

His hair was longer now and it was starting to get on his nerves.

"It never was your fault". She said, soothingly.

"Yeah, well we can't all be winners anyway". Troy said, opening the door to the showers.

Diana was tempted to walk in there and shake some sense into him. But she reconsidered that idea when she heard the showers turn on.


Later that time, Diana and Troy were in the monitor room doing monitor duty. It was awkwardly quiet and the tension was high but not in a bad way, but in an awkward way.

"What you reading anyway?". He asked.

"Just a book on the Amazons". Diana replied.

"Oh. I'm reading a book on Sparta. You know, since I'm a Spartan". Troy said.

"I'm aware". She said, smiling at the corners of her mouth.

"Oh. But some of these things are inaccurate". Troy said, examining the pages in his book.

"You're telling me. They also have inaccurate information on the Amazons". Diana said.

"This is why we should write our own history so that people don't mess it up". He said.

Then he heard her laugh. He smiled at that, he knew he was more at ease with Diana but he didn't know if he liked her more than a friend.

"We still have a few hours left. What do you want to do until then?". Diana asked.

"We could go check out the Northern Lights that should occur in about................ now". Troy said.

Diana looked down and saw the lights dancing below on Earth.

"Come on. Let's beam down and I'll show you how a real light show looks like". He said, pulling her arm.

"Have you seen one before?". She asked.

"Lots of times". He smiled at her.


After beaming down moments later into the snow, Diana looked above her and was transfixed by the lights that came in different shades. She smiled and was amazed by the beautiful display.

Troy stood next to her and looked at her, the lights reflecting off her skin made her look even more beautiful. He smiled at her but he knew that she was too busy to notice.

"It's so beautiful". Diana said.

"Yeah, beautiful". He said, looking at her.

They looked at the Lights together that night.

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