Chapter 76

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Zatanna fell back and in her panic formed a shield around her, the paradooms swooped in and started to bang against the shield. She breathed in deeply to maintain her focus but it was getting hard, she cast a spell and a pulse of energy shot out and let the monsters stagger back. She then dropped the shield and started to run for cover but was quickly body slammed by one of the large monsters, she grunted as she hit the ground.

It jumped in front of her and more started to swarm her, she yelled in fear but before they could harm her, blades ripped through the chest of one of the monsters and it was quickly ripped apart. Mera stabbed another through the chest with her trident but then another hit her into a car, two paradooms surrounded her but the dark hero jumped in and sliced their heads off.

"Thanks, Troy". Mera said in thanks.

"Troy, these things are too strong". Zatanna panted in fatigue,"I can't keep this up. We're not like you".

She was right, they were not like him. The only ones who could at least stand up to monsters were Barda, Supergirl and Mera but even they were getting overwhelmed by the numbers of the monsters.

Supergirl blasted her heat vision at a horde that were getting too close, before she knocked one out of the sky. They swarmed her and knocked her out of the sky and were starting to tear through her flesh but she quickly broke out of their grasps and floated away.

"This is getting hard". She said as she floated next to the dark hero.

"Fall back!!!". Darkforce said.

"What?". Nightwing asked.

"Fall back!!!". The dark hero repeated before sheathing his blades.

The others heard his plea and they drew back before taking off in separate directions with the horde following after them, the dark hero knew that he could handle the horde on his own but he couldn't sacrifice the others to do so. Drawing back was the only solution for the moment, he knew the big fight was still coming and he had to end it before the world was far too gone to save.


Artemis scanned the streets as they walked through the city, she knew she had a big responsibility for Yin and Ross since they were only normal humans but tough ones no doubt. Artemis was very impressed that they survived the massacre at the police station, just showed how brave and resourceful they were.

Then the redheaded Amazon's communicator went off.


Yin looked up in curiosity when she said Troy's name.

"Yeah, she's with me". Artemis said,"Underground? Okay, we'll be there in fifteen minutes. Don't worry, I'll keep her safe".

Then she looked up and sighed in discontent.

"What's wrong?". Ross asked.

"Troy told me that Darkseid sent out a new breed of monsters and they're more poweful than the normal parademon". Artemis reported.

"Shit!". Yin cursed,"As if we didn't have enough problems".

"We should head underground and meet up with the others". Artemis added,"We might have to evacuate with everyone else by the look of things".

Before anyone could respond, they all heard screeching and saw hordes of paradooms fly their way. Ross looked horrified by their appearance, Yin merely glared at them and Artemis drew her sword just in case.

"These must be the monsters your boyfriend talked about". Ross said in fear.

Artemis turned to stare at the two and she saw how scared they looked, she knew she couldn't let them die like this. She looked down at her bracelets and thought of an idea that was very, very insane.

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