Chapter 36

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Aquaman, Mera and Darkforce all dropped from the ceiling and landed in front of the large door that led to the throne room, Darkforce frowned at the absence of guards. He knew Poseidon was overconfident in trying to kill him, but that was part of the plan.

"No guards?". Mera asked.

"He knew we would be coming". Darkforce said simply.

"Let's not keep him waiting then". Aquaman said, heading for the door.

The King of Atlantis knocked the large door and it was broken off it's hinges, they walked inside and saw two guards stand at attention. Poseidon sat on the throne but looked up when he heard the large door being broken down.

"So, you have finally arrived". Poseidon said,"I was actually starting to wonder if you had become a coward and run away".

Darkforce glared,"No. You and I both know what happened the last time we faced each other".

"Well, there will be no repeating of what happened last time". The god of the seas said.

"Atlantis is not yours to keep!". Aquaman exclaimed.

"Don't challenge me, mortal". Poseidon said calmly,"You address a God of Olympus".

"How about we address each other in another way?". Darkforce said before pulling out the Blades of Chaos.

"Very well". The god of the seas said.

Suddenly, a stream of water hit Mera and sent her crashing into a wall. Aquaman got ready and threw his trident at Poseidon, the god easily slapped the weapon away and blasted a blue form of water that was so pure it blinded all of them.

"You mortals need to learn your place". The god said,"And I see you can only learn it if I make an example of all of you".

Darkforce's divine sense made out the form of the god coming from behind the dark hero to land an attack, the dark hero easily evaded the attack and landed a powerful blow to the god's midsection. Poseidon collided with the base of the throne and groaned before climbing back to his feet.

"I'm not the same spartan you faced that day, Poseidon". Darkforce said,"My power has only grown stronger since our last battle".

The god scowled,"We'll see about that".

Then he punched ground and a small tidal wave knocked back the three heroes and made them collide with the walls, the god kept on the pressure to keep them pinned to the wall. Mera's eyes started to glow before she moved her hands forward, the wave of water immediately dispersed but the god then swiped his arm to the left and the wave threw them across the room.

Aquaman got to his first and attacked the ocean god, the attacks were swift but the god could easily see through them and he evaded them with ease. Poseidon then gave Aquaman a mighty punch and the King of Atlantis crashed out into the hall that led out of the throne room.

Darkforce flew in with his blades and sliced the god multiple times before dashing through with a fiery slice to the deity's midsection, Poseidon staggered back in agony but then blocked the dark hero's next attack before punching him into the ground and landing blow after blow again. Water then pushed Poseidon away from the dark hero, the god looked up and saw Mera with her glowing eyes conjuring water from the surrounding pools.

She formed ice shards from the water that she collected and launched them at the god, the god of the seas smirked before holding up his hand and stopping the shards before they impaled him. Mera looked shocked by this.

"You are very gifted, child". Poseidon said,"But I'm a god and you are no challenge to me!".

Then he sent the shards straight back at her, she threw her hands up to stop them but they still kept coming. Darkforce groaned and looked up to see ice shards heading for Mera.

"Mera!!!". Darkforce yelled.

He shot to his feet and jumped forward before speeding toward her, he stopped in front of her and quickly stabbed the blades into the floor and roared in rage. A large mystical forcefield of flames rose from him and the ice shards immediately melted when they hit the forcefield, Mera looked at the fiery forcefield in wonder.

"Thank you, Darkforce". She said.

Darkforce nodded without looking at her.

"Ah, the Spartan Rage". Poseidon said,"Haven't seen that power come into play for awhile. Show me the true Rage of Sparta".

Darkforce glared in rage as the flames surrounded him in a sinister way.

He jumped toward the god and they both collided into the floor, the dark hero stabbed the god multiple times in the midsection. Then a burst of water hit him and sent him flying back, he landed on the floor where Mera stood. Aquaman appeared and he landed a powerful punch across the god's jaw, Mera commanded the water around her and blasted the god with a powerful beam of water.

Poseidon coughed after crashing into the wall behind him. He held his midsection that was bleeding furiously, he leaned against the wall and breathed heavily.

"You think you have won, huh?". He said,"This battle has just started".

Poseidon started absorb the water from the pools toward him, they looked up and saw the glass ceiling cracking and breaking as more ocean water entered. The water headed for the god of the seas and he started to grow larger and some watery monsters started to appear in the fray.

"What is happening?". Aquaman asked.

"We have weakened him". Darkforce said,"Now, he is taking his final form to subject all his power to destroying us".

"Wouldn't that make his former form to cease?". Mera asked.

Darkforce narrowed his eyes at the growing watery god.

"He knows that".

Aquaman waved at them,"Let's get out of here".

"I'm not going anywhere". Darkforce said.

He fired his blades into the large body of the watery god and felt himself get pulled up, Aquaman and Mera looked at each other before following the dark hero up as well.


The Flash and Kid Flash came to a stop at a construction site a few miles away from where the other heroes were fighting, they looked around and stayed on the alert.

"Well, well. Took you boys long enough". A voice said from above.

The Flash and Kid Flash looked up and saw Hermes sitting on an unfinished building construction, the god looked down at them with a sneer.

"You gonna come down?". The Flash asked.

"Actually I'm very comfortable up here". Hermes said.

"Really? Because I think you're scared and don't want to face us". Kid Flash said.

Hermes growled,"I am a god. I don't fear mortals, you are the ones who should be fearing us!".

Kid Flash smirked,"Then why don't you come down from there and prove it".

Hermes immediately disappeared from where they had seen before, then the messenger god appeared before Kid Flash and punched him which sent him flying.

"Does that answer your question?". Hermes asked.

Then a punch sent the messenger god skidding across the ground, he looked up and saw the Flash smiling at him.

"Yes, it does". The Flash said.

Then Kid Flash appeared next to the scarlet speedster while rubbing his jaw.

"Let's how much speed you have to spare, mortals". Hermes smirked.


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