Chapter 86

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The throne room was deathly silent, Grail sat on her father's throne and eyed the people in front of her. The fact that the spartan killed her father surprised her, plus the defeat of the Demon added more to the surprise and this caused her to smirk silently to herself. She fingered her scythe as she sat back on the throne, she stared at the individual that acted as her father's advisor but he quickly looked away from her.

"I told you". Desaad said while still eyeing the ground,"Lord Darkseid would fail".

"Yes, you mentioned something like that". Grail said in a bored voice as she leaned on her hand.

Then she eyed the two remaining members of the Furies, Mad Harriet and Stompa. Since Darkforce cut her leg off, Mad Harriet got a new robotic one as a replacement. Stompa was still traumatized by the ordeal of facing the dark hero.

"He rendered the Furies broken and miserable". Grail said with a smirk,"Of course, I believe my father would have failed".

"You find this good news?". Granny Goodness inquired.

"Yes, this individual did the one thing that the Justice League couldn't do for years". The demigod stated before smiling,"He killed my father and weakened an interdimensional demon. Such power could be useful against adversaries".

"Orion was prophesied to kill Darkseid". Steppenwolf spoke up, as he came to a stop at the bass of the throne,"What about him?".

"My half-brother is a complete fool and he constantly enjoys the lavish life in New Genesis with that whore, Bekka". Grail said with a scowl,"I doubt he would have fulfilled what would have been asked of him".

"Grail, what did you mean when you said, 'such power could be useful against adversaries?'". Desaad asked with piqued interest.

"My father and Highfather have been constantly clashing for dominance, Darkseid always wanted New Genesis but Highfather always stood in his way". Grail explained,"With my father out of the picture and Highfather not expecting an attack, it would be the perfect opportunity to sway the spartan to our side".

"You really think it's that simple, do you?". Desaad mocked her with a laugh,"This being is not just a god, he is something else and for him to be able to kill anything makes it horrifying. If he catches wind of him being used, he will not hesitate to come for us".

"I have no interest in dealing with a being that surpasses Darkseid in power". Steppenwolf said with a frown,"If you go through with this, it's your own demise not ours".

Grail growled at this revelation and seethed in rage as her eyes glowed bright red.


Yin had her eyes closed as she leaned back in the bathtub, the water was wonderfully warm and the foam of soap was everywhere. The body she was leaning against was welcoming with comforting heat, she hummed as she lay back. A hand came from behind her and brushed a few strands out of her face, she smiled at the small action but lay still regardless.

"You're not sleeping, are you?". A voice said above her.

She opened her eyes and stared into golden irises, she smiled and reached her hand up to caress his cheek. The Spartan raised an eyebrow as he watched her lean up to plant an upside down kiss on his lips before lying back down.

"Does that answer your question, Troy?". She asked.

"Not really". He answered,"For all I know, you probably kissed me in your sleep".

The young cop laughed at that.

They got an apartment in Gotham, since New York was basically done for and it hasn't been easy for them. Yin transferred back to the GCPD and tried to help out wherever she could, the same didn't hold true for the dark hero as he stopped wearing the suit altogether and neither of the women in his life saw him do anu hero duties in the past two months and it concerned them.

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