Chapter 74

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The dark hero sat in the darkest parts of his apartment, he was trying to build up rage  something to fuel his power when the time came but it was a lot harder than he hoped. Ever since he found love with Artemis and Yin it was harder to get angry, he had no motivation for rage.

"Troy?". A voice called.

The dark hero looked up and saw Artemis standing a few feet away, she looked very concerned for him.

"Hi, Arty". He said in a dark voice.

"Why are you sitting in the dark?". She asked, slowly approaching him.

"Trying to reconnect to my past self". Troy answered sighed,"Reuniting with the blades wasn't enough it seems".

"But why?".

"To face the threat that's coming and I need to be at my best when it happens". The dark hero said, looking down.

"The Justice League are fools for not listening to you, many of those members will die if they do not listen to you". Artemis sighed.

"Maybe". Troy said before giving a small smile,"On the plus side, I got the president to listen to me and I have her on speed dial in case something goes wrong".

"Speed dial? For what?". Artemis wanted to know.

"We need to evacuate New York ahead of time before Darkseid's forces invade". Troy said,"I want little to no casualties".

"Wow, way to think ahead!". Artemis smiled.

Troy nodded.

Then silence passed between them, she gently placed a hand on his forearm and looked at him.

"I don't want you to go back to your old self". She said.

"I know. But it's not about us, it's about our world". Troy said with a frown,"If it means going back to my old self to save it, then I will".

"Why do I feel like you will be facing Darkseid alone?". Artemis asked.

Troy closed his eyes.

"It doesn't matter".

"Yes, it matters to me!!!". Artemis yelled.

Troy turned and saw the worry in her eyes.

"What do you want me to do?!". He snapped.

"Why don't you blame everything on Superman and Wonder Woman like a normal person, huh?!". Artemis continued to yell,"It bothers me how you're carrying everyone's problems alone on your shoulders, including their mistakes and faults!".

"If I blamed anyone, Artemis. No one would be alive right now". He said in the most chilling voice.

This caused her to back up a little in fear. This was new to her, she had never felt fear before and it scared her.

"I'm sorry". Was all she said.

Troy pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, the young Amazon accepted his embrace and hugged back.

"I think I'm falling in love with you, Troy". She said.

"You think?". He said with a smirk.

"Do you love Yin too?". Artemis asked.

"I think I do".


The city of New York was bustling with energy as the dark hero sailed through the city, he had been keeping an eye out for any Boom tube activity. He was very nervous about the situation, not for himself but for the people and for the people he cared about.

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