Chapter 77

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Once finding a Boom tube, the dark hero was quickly transported to the hellish world of Apokolips. He landed in the area closest to Darkseid's Palace, he looked up and saw that swarms of paradooms noticed his arrival and they quickly charged toward him. The dark hero pulled out his blades and they burst into fiery energy, the first one clung to him but he wrestled it off his body before stabbing it numerous times before tossing its body toward another.

He rolled under an attacking swarm before spinning the blades and they sliced their way through the monsters, another monster came and hit him in the back and he skidded across the ground. Another came and stomped on him multiple times before grabbing him by the throat, the dark hero sliced the monster's arm in half before killing it with ease. He evaded more attacks before slicing and hacking his way through the monsters with powerful rage flowing through him.

Then sentries of Darkseid approached, riding giant wolf-like hounds. The dark hero slid underneath the first hound and sliced through its stomach causing it to collapse, sending the sentry in the air. He fired his chains and yanked the Sentry out of the sky before stabbing him to death, then he evaded a bite from another hound before firing his chain around it. He swung and landed on the back of the hound before killing the sentry, then he ripped into the spinal cord of the hound and killed it before launching himself into the air.

With blades blazing, he landed in a crouch and stabbed the blades into the ground. A shockwave of fiery energy shot out and surrounding enemies were easily wiped out, then he sliced and thrashed his way through the remaining security.

He came to a large gate before ripping it out of its place and then kicked it in, the gate fell through and collapsed onto other enemies and they were crushed to death. In his rage, he casually walked his way up the steps and watched as the guards were hesitating to attack him.


Big Barda blasted paradooms away with her mega-rod, then she evsded another attack before knocking the assailant to the ground but it bit into her leg and she grunted in pain before killing it, then she was swarmed by more paradooms. Supergirl flew in and fired a high intensity beam of heat vision killing the monsters easily, but she was also quickly knocked down.

"We're not gonna make it". Supergirl said.

Nightwing and Batgirl looked unsure and just turned back to face the monsters.

Before the monsters could attack them, they were all blown up by green energy. The paradooms turned their attention to their left and quickly stated to swarm their attackers but blasts of green energy killed them.

"Whats going on?". Vixen asked.

"I don't know". Supergirl said.

Their questions were answered when they saw Lex Luthor step through the smoke in a bionic suit with a blaster attached to his suit, then other villains appeared behind him.

"Looks like you could use a little help?". He smirked.

"Lex?". Batgirl asked.

"In the flesh". Lex said,"Now, are we going to stand around or are we going to save our planet?".

"What is that?". Batwoman asked.

"Kryptonite energy blaster". Lex smiled,"I studied these monsters and noted their Kryptonian biology, so I made these Kryptonite based weapons for the purpose to kill them".

They watched the other villains and saw them having Kryptonite based weapons but they knew it still wasn't going to be enough to end the monsters, endless hordes kept coming out of the Boom tubes and they were all losing strength at this point.

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