chapter 7- unfamiliar scents

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chapter seven- unfamiliar scents


holy shit.

it smells so freaking good!

"what's that smell?!" my wolf impatiently asks.

"i don't know but we're gonna find out." i tell her through mind link.

"anyways, chapter twenty one in our history book is so boring-" venus gets cut off by a strong, amazing scent.

"what is that?" apollo asks while sniffing.

"i don't know, it smells like people." ryder says.

two people walk into the building.

a very tall boy and girl.

they look like twins. they both have dark brown hair and red eyes. they're also very pale and have emotionless faces.

overall, they're hot!

they're both wearing leather jackets with band tees underneath, ripped black jeans, and combat boots.

the pair walks up to us and i freeze.

"mate!" my wolf squeals.

"HOLY FUCK MY MATE IS THAT HOT?!" i yell through mind link.

"hell yeah she is!" my wolf says happily.

"i've been waiting to meet you, persephone." the girl, my mate, says. gosh my name sounds so good coming from her mouth.

everyone gaze shifts to me.

"w- why?" i stutter dumbly.

"what, you don't feel it?" she asks.

"f- feel what?" i ask.

"the mate bond, i thought you wolves knew better." she says while snickering.

"mate?!" athena yells happily.

"mhm." i barely say because i'm lost in her crimson red eyes.

"nee?" venus snaps her fingers in my face.

"huh?" i ask snapping out of my trance.

"you good? angelica has been speaking to you and you haven't answered her." venus says with a smirk.

angelica. so that's her name.

"a- angelica?" i ask.

her eyes darken, "do not say my name like that unless you want something unholy to happen right in this hall way." she says while a warning tone.

"gross ew, i don't wanna hear about my sister's sex life." her brother says while covering his ears.

"i'm sorry." i mumble looking down at the floor.

"well we know who's gonna be the bottom in this relationship." my wolf says while snickering.

"hey!" i yell through the mind link.

"what it's true, you're already bowing your head to her and she hasn't even told you to do anything yet." my wolf says.

"oh whatever." i scoff and cut the link between me and her.

"persephone?" my gorgeous mate asks.


"do not bow your head to me, meine geliebte." she says while pushing my chin up. (my beloved)

"huh?" i ask confused.

"it's german, schätzchen." she says while chuckling. (sweetie)

"wait where are you from, what are your names, what is your business here, and what are you?" ryder asks.

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