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As - Salaamu Alaykum!

My dear brothers and sisters I sincerely hope that you are in the best health and Imaan!

Firstly I'd just like to say a huge jazakallah from the bottom of my heart to EVERY single one of you that have read this book soo far. It genuinely means the world to me like I actually didn't expect this book to get one read let alone 12.4 K soo far. Alhamdulilah! I'm soo grateful and honoured that you guys chose to read my book.

Secondly on a more sad note like in this book I always talked about how short life is, and that we should turn to Allah Swt whilst we are in the best of health.

Secondly on a more sad note like in this book I always talked about how short life is, and that we should turn to Allah Swt whilst we are in the best of health

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25.03.2021 - The day that my grandad sadly left this worldly life.

I'm not uploading this for a pity party or something however, it's a reality check for all of my brothers and sisters who are struggling with Salah. The reality of the situation is that this could be me or you lying there. Honestly as Muslims our Imaan always fluctuates, there is no such thing as a "perfect Muslim". But, one thing I know for sure is that everyone needs to make a conscious effort to become a better Muslim. Like if you pray no Salah's at all make the first step, pray one Salah each day until you are ready to pray two and before you know it you will be praying five Salah's each day. Praying each salah takes less than ten minutes, we can all sacrifice that much time for Allah Swt.

Make that change and honestly hand on my heart can say that your life will change for the better. From a more personal perspective like i started praying 5 x a day since December 2019, and honestly guys like my life has changed since then like soo many good things have happened my Imaan has become soo much stronger. Alhamdulilah. I never understood the saying "With Salah comes success". But I promise you, doors will start opening for you! Make a start and your life will change for the better.

On another note, in this book the sole purpose of it is to like highlight the halal way of going about marriage and stuff. Yes getting married young is great if you can't abstain from a haraam relationship and whatever. But like personally I believe that if your not interested in relationships and stuff you should delay marriage for as long as you can like live your youth whilst you can, because to be honest I feel like people glamourise marriage soo much like once your married life is pretty mundane and repetitive, and then maybe throw a few kids into the mix, like life is just going to get hectic.

This one is for my sisters reading this, education is the most powerful tool that a woman can possess! Legit, because a man can just up and leave at any time if you don't have an education then your screwed. Of course not all men are like that but a woman should be able to provide for herself like god forbid if one day your husband dies whose going to bring in the income. 

And this one is for my brothers reading this, like at school sometimes I hear the boys in my class going on about getting married young and growing together as a couple. Blah blah like okay if you can't control your Nafs then yes get married and stuff. However, your Islamic duty as a husband is to be able to financially provide for your wife and to be able to do that you need to be financially stable.

I feel like I'm contradicting myself here but if you want to get married then 100% go for it because Allah Swt is the giver of Rizq.

I hope that this rant is somehow beneficial to you because when I look at my book statistics almost half of my readers are aged between 13 - 18. So I hope this rant has somehow helped you. EDUCATION & SALAH ARE THE TWO KEYS TO SUCCESS!!!! 

Lastly to conclude this mini rant / update I will inshallah inshallah be releasing a new book within the next two to three months. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it.

Jazakallah jazakallah from the bottom of my heart once again! ♥️😘

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