Ayman's POV

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I heard a knock on my bedroom door, I was in the middle of marking my students books. "Come in!", "Do you want to come with me and Luqman to the park? He's kind of driving me up the wall". Afiyah asked. "I really should get these books marked but I need some fresh air to my brain, so yeah I'll come".

"Will you drive us, I can't be bothered to walk twenty minutes to the park and Luqman is far too lazy to walk all that way!". "Yeah don't worry we'll take the car!". "Come on Luqman put your coat and shoes on we'll go to the park for a bit".

We had arrived and I turned my head to lock the car door and see Luqman charging towards a lady sitting on the swing she had her head down. I heard Luqman saying "I remember you from the place I went to with mama!".

A sweet and angelic voice replied "how's my cutie pie Luqman". I wondered how Luqman warmed up soo quickly to somebody who he had met one time. She must have some sort of special powers or something.

Luqman ran off to go play on something else and the woman started to approach us, I bowed my head looking at the ground. She spoke "As - Salaamu alaykum Afiyah how are you and how's your mum". Afiyah replied and then decided to leave us in the cringed  position ever. One thing you must know about me I am the most socially awkward person. Afiyah goes Ahlam this is my bother Ayman and then had the cheek to casually walk off to go play with Luqman.

I decided to break the silence and make conversation with Ahlam. You must be thinking he was soo interested in getting to know her but doesn't know how to start a conversation. "So do you work or anything?" I asked. She started explaining how she's finding it really hard getting employed I felt bad for initiating a conversation which was going to make her sad.

I tried to console her by telling her my own experience with job hunting, hopefully that made her feel a little better. The next thing she asked me surprised me she asked if we could recite Quran together. We began and I was shocked to hear that she had managed to recite the whole of Surah Sajdah alongside me without any mistakes. Uncle Yaqub and aunty Yasmin had done a great job at raising a pious daughter.

I kept my head on the floor I wasn't planning on lifting my head any time soon until she left. I didn't want Ahlam getting the wrong impression, although I knew she had her eyes glued to the floor as well because I couldn't feel any eyes on me. Ahlam spoke mama wants me home so I've got to get going, "Inshallah there will be other times for us to talk" and strolled off to see Afiyah.

She said to Luqman come and give me a hug before I leave and Luqman ran into her open arms! She was going to be a great mother one day she has Luqman wrapped around her finger. Everyone in my family seems to like her too, I want to get to know her a little more before coming to a decision.

She had finally left the park, I walked over to Luqman and played with him for a little while. Afiyah has been looking sad this past week and I've been wondering what's up with her. "Afiyah are you okay? You've been looking not like yourself this week". "No Ayman I'm fine don't worry". "Afiyah I know you better than anyone, I know your lying, tell me".

Afiyah contemplated whether she should tell him, in the end she gave in. "Yes Ayman I'm not feeling myself lately, I miss Huzayl it's horrible being separated from him when he's away for like three weeks at a time. I've spoken to him about it and he's trying to find a job that's based in the UK, but it's not really working out right now. Inshallah it'll be fine though".

I can't really relate to your situation, as I'm not married and haven't been separated from my spouse however I do have faith that Allah Swt will help you guys through this tough time. Inshallah times will get better!!

"Come on Luqman, let's go home we've been here for ages, challo! I have a lot of things to get on with at home.

Authors Note :

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Till next time,
Allah Hafiz 💕

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