Ahlam's POV

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It was all becoming soo real now, baba had agreed for me to marry Ayman. I know baba doesn't want us to have a long engagement that's why he's already told Ayman, it's wrong to delay marriage and whatever not. Now that I think about it's making me emotional, imagine leaving the house the I've been living in the past twenty two years. Only Allah Swt knows best, maybe this would be a good change in my life. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Aunty Khadijah started talking.

Mama and Aunty Khadijah walked back in to the room. Next Uncle Suleiman and baba, came in. Hmm somethings suspicious... "Baat paaaki hoi". Aunty Khadijah asked Baba and hen replied "haaa, they have my blessings. Are you guys sure one last time?". Baba asked.

"Yess!!". Me and Ayman both replied at the same time. "Mubarak!! I can't wait for you to be my daughter, it'll be nice to have woman company when Afiyah isn't around". aunty Khadijah spoke. "Beta how do you want your big day to be". "Aunty I'm not looking for anything big or fancy, I just want small Nikkah in the mosque and then maybe like a little party surrounded by family and friends". "Ooh I'm soo excited I can't wait to start planning, I love a good wedding! Haven't been to one in ages. It's that extra bit exciting because my last child is getting married!! I wanted to laugh at her excitement, bless her she's always happy and jolly, I can't wait for this wedding bs to be over, even though it hasn't even started yet. It's just soo long and extra AF.

"Now that, that's been established what you want, I'll speak to the imam at our local masjid for a suitable date that suits around our work schedules. When are you guys both free. Ayman decided to speak. "Well the schools summer holidays are starting, next week so maybe two weeks or so from now?, Ahlam what do you think. "Yeah that's fine by me, at least we won't have to fit it around work time!".

"Ok challo Ahlam, Yasmin let's look at the wedding dress". I had to refrain from rolling my eyes! She wants to start looking for dresses now, if it was up to me I would just rock up in my pj's. (A/N: Ngl, I would actually rock up in my pj's to my own wedding 🤣🤣 eww the thought of wearing an itchy wedding dress 🤢🤮).

"Yaqub, Ayman Isha time is nearing jamaat at mosque is starting in ten, challo! Let's get going, Khadijah we'll pick you up on the way back from the mosque, you can stay and discuss whatever and then once we're done we'll head home". Uncle Suleiman spoke. "Yeah that's fine by me". Aunty Khadijah said.

The men had left, thank god I feel awkward and can't be myself around Uncle Suleiman and Ayman yet!

"Ahlam, what type of wedding dress are you looking for?". Mama asked. "Seeing as it isn't going to be a big event or anything, I just want a nice, elegant dress or something, I'm not sure?, also something that would allow me to still look modest with the hijab as well".

"Okay challo! Let's look on Pinterest or something, maybe we might find a nice dress on there". Aunty Khadijah wasn't your traditional fifty year old housewife! She was all in with the technology and she knew how to use it properly as well!!

"Oh wow look how beautiful this dress is, and this one!" Mama spoke. "Ohh yeah that's lovely! , imagine how amazing you would look in that!! Aunty Khadijah gushed.

"Yeah that's beautiful, click on the website let's see the price". I asked Aunty Khadijah, she clicked on the website, when the wedding dress came up with the price. Goodness me my jaw nearly fell to the floor. Goshhhh!! I knew the dress was absolutely stunning but would I let somebody pay for that much for a dress, that I was going to wear for a few hours and never look at again.

"Beta don't look at the price like that, you only get married once in your life! I'm going to make sure that your day is exactly how you want it to be". Bless her she was soo cute! I know alhamdulilah that I'm getting married in the right house, because I know she's going to be the best mother in law.

I couldn't help myself I flung my arms around Aunty Khadijah. "Aunty why are you soo sweet?". "Beta because I'm just happy that I'm getting a wonderful daughter in law like you!".

I turned my head to see that mama had started the waterworks "mama why are you crying?". "I'm just soo glad, that you are blessed with such wonderful in laws! I personally had such a bad experience with my own, I wouldn't wish it upon any young girl. I know you are going to be happy with the Haq family, and that makes me soo happy!".

Authors Note :

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Till next time,
Allah Hafiz 💕

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