Ahlam's POV

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I feel like I'm about to turn into a tomato. My face must be beetroot right now. Ayman had just asked if he asked baba for my hand, what would my answer be. I thought about it for a while and listed the pros and cons of marrying Ayman. I had lots of pros but I couldn't think of any cons. He spoke respectfully, he was nice, we have quite a bit in common, he likes children! I've seen how well he interacts with Luqman. This is very important to me because I can't wait to be a mother one day Inshallah. He wouldn't have any issues with me working, his deen is very good and finally his family is wonderful.

I replied with confidence "Ayman if you went to baba to ask for my hand, my answer would be yes!". Since we had entered Pizza Hut my head remained staring at the table. Although Ayman isn't looking at me right now I could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Really!!", Ayman asked in disbelief. "Why are you soo shocked, what did you expect my answer to be?". "Well probably no, because it's only been like two weeks since we met each other". "I know what I want and, although I wasn't even looking to get married or anything at this age, I am happy because I know what I want in a spouse and you meet all of the criteria".

I heard a shriek, I looked up to see Afiyah over the table trying to hug me. "Oh my gosh it's all getting soo real now, I'm finally going to have a sister in my life. Someone to talk to asides from mama, also your lovely! Ain't nobody got time for those fake bhabi's out there!!". I chuckled at her reply. "Well I'm happy too that I'll inshallah get to have a wonderful sister like you, and also someone to talk to besides mama as well".

Time flew by before i knew it and it was half four, we were walking around the high street popping into any shops that interested us. I hate shopping! With a passion, but Afiyah has dragged me into primark and we've been here for roughly half and hour now. "Afiyah why on God's earth do you need this much clothes!! You wear an abaya". "Well Ahlam I'm buying these clothes to impress my husband. Following the Sunnah is important to me and that is one of them". "Omg your soo cringe Afiyah!". "No it's not cringe Ahlam, you'll only find out once you hitched. Also in the ayah from Surah Baqrah it says "your wives are garments to you, and you are garments to them". (Quran 2:187) This is not only on the context that you should get comfort and protection from your spouse but it's about making them happy and pleasing them, vice versa. Honestly Ahlam marriage is truly beautiful, when it's with the right person. And inshallah you will experience that too, if my brother doesn't treat you right tell me and I will personally sort him out.

"I better get going, I have a tonne of books to make for Monday. Inshallah we will meet again. "Luqmaaaannnn!!! Come give me a hug, I'm off now" as usual he came running to hug me. "Bye khala see you next time!!". "Bye jaan" I gave him a little squeeze.

I had began walking home, luckily it's not much of a trek. Before I knew it I had arrived home. I decided to go in and speak to mama about whatever had happened with Ayman. "Mama I'm hoooommmmeee!!!", "beta how was it, did you enjoy yourself?". "Yeah alhamdulilah, mama it was good I had fun, the pizza was good too. Ayman was there too, Afiyah didn't tell me anything about this we talked some more and then he dropped a major question on me".

"Ahlam what did he ask you?", "he asked me if he was to ask baba for a rishta what would my response be". "And what did you say then?". "I would say yes if he asked baba for my hand, because he genuinely seems like a good man".

"Really Ahlam!!! My daughters going to be getting married, I can't believe it". I looked to see mama crying. "Oh mama don't cry!!, why are you soo emotional?". "Beta you'll only understand, one day when you are a mother yourself. Time has flown by sooo fast I remember like it was yesterday, the moment you took your first steps.

Authors Note :

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Till next time,
Allah Hafiz 💕

The journey of Ahlam and Ayman ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora