Ahlam's POV

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Images at the top DO NOT belong to me, all rights go to original owners.

I had sent Ayman out of the house for a bit, I told him to go buy some groceries and get a haircut. In reality it gave me enough time to fully wax my arms and legs. And have a shower in time.

I had planned an impromptu home date. A few days ago I had ordered a dress from ASOS, It was beautiful but that type of dress was no way modest enough to wear on a date outside of the house. So I decided to bring the date home. In the time Ayman had gone out to run some errands I had managed to cook his favourite dish which was chicken kiev and mash potatoes. I had set up the dinner table. I had laid out a white table cloth over the table set in the middle of the living room and placed some fairy lights around the side of the table. I scattered some rose petals over the table and had set out the cutlery. I dimmed the lights and lit my favourite candles and placed them on the table.

Ayman seemed to have been taking ages, I wondered where he had got to. Hmm it had been over two hours where could this man be. Meh not that i'm complaining it gave me more time to beautify myself. I had just hopped out of the shower when I heard a notification ping from my phone.

I looked at the message, baba had texted. I opened the text to see mama, baba and Ayman in a selfie. With mama holding up some knitting yarn in different shades of pink, and baba holding up a new Islamic book.

Baba : This husband of yours just knows how to worm his way into our hearts! I have been looking for this Islamic book for weeks, and it seems like Ayman has managed to get his hands on it some how.

Me : Well what can I say Alhamdulilah, Allah swt has granted me a great spouse.

It warmed my heart to see that Ayman had actually gone out of his way to go and visit my parents, without me knowing and brought Mama and baba some gifts, even though they were small I know how happy it made my parents. Ayman will also gain Sadqah Jariyah from gifting the Islamic book to baba because when baba gains knowledge from that book it's because Ayman gifted him the book, and he will gain rewards from this. Also in the Hadith it is narrated that Abu Huraira (RadhiAllahu 'anhu) reported: Allah's Messenger ﷺ as saying: When a man dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurring charity or knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him (for the deceased). (Sahih Muslim – Book 13 – Hadith 4005)

I had began doing my hair, best thing about having a date at home is that I can let my hair loose, I decided to curl my hair into loose waves and tie a few strands from the front of my hair back. Once my hair was completed I started on my makeup. I very rarely wear makeup outside of the house because to be honest it defeats the purpose of hijab and modesty and may attract unwanted attention. I had began putting my makeup skills to use I had settled on a dewy nude look, with soft glittery eyeshadow. I completed the look with some matte nude lipgloss. I had refrained from putting on false lashes as in the Hadith it has been narrated by Abdullah (bin Mus'ud): Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) has cursed the lady who uses false hair. (Sahih al-Bukhari • Book 65, Hadith 4887 • Graded Sahih (Authentic).

I quickly slipped on the dress and strapped my glass block heels on. I looked at myself in the mirror, Woah! I look like a totally different person, not to be cocky but I looked absolutely amazing if I say so myself. The dress hugged my figure perfectly, I didn't even know my body would look like this in the dress. I quickly bounded down the stairs to heat the food and quickly write Ayman a note to dress up and wait for me on the table I had set up once he was done. I was planning on hiding in the basement whilst he got ready.

Dear Ayman,

I have planned an impromptu date at home! You can already see the table get up, dress smart and call out to me when you are done. I'm waiting in the basement, it'll ruin the surprise if i'm just waiting there for you.
                               Ahlam xx

Cue the waiting game, I had been waiting here for a few minutes before I heard the front door open. I guess Ayman had spotted the note on the table as I could hear him walking up the stairs. Fifteen minutes passed I could hear the basement door opening, I was feeling soo fricking nervous! My heart was beating soo fast, imagine Ayman doesn't like the way I look.

I made my way up the basement stairs, Ayman stood there looking as handsome as ever! He looked amazing, his hair was gelled to perfection and his beard was shaped perfectly. Ayman does not only incorporate the Sunnah into our marriage however, it is also represented on his outer self as well. For example his hair is cut all in one length, not some sides shot some sides long. Abu Dawood narrated from 'Abd-Allaah ibn 'Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) forbade qaza' and said: "Shave all of it or leave all of it." Al-Nasaa'i (5048).

Ayman was dressed in a black dress shirt and a pair of fitted slacks, the shirt highlighted his ripped muscles perfectly. He stood there with his jaw hanging open, I mentally did a little victory dance. "Ahlam dear lord! You look absolutely stunning". His voice sounded strained. "Well you look just as handsome!".

"Take a seat i've made your favourite let me quickly just dish it up!". "No let me do it, I can see how much effort you've put into this!". Ayman took my hand and pulled out the chair for me. I had waited until Ayman served the food, I was starving I had not eaten since the morning. There was a comfortable silence between us as we ate. I found myself getting lost in those beautiful green orbs. I could see Ayman's eyes swimming with lust, passion and desire. His gaze on me was sort of predatory and to be honest I was shocked that I got this type of reaction out of him.

"Thank you Ahlam, the food was absolutely delicious definitely beats mama's cooking! I loved it, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight Ahlam, if you could feel my heart right now it's about to beat out of my chest!".

There was lots of space in the living room, Ayman took my hand and we began slow dancing in the living room, who needs music when I can listen to Ayman's erratic heartbeat. He wasn't lying when he said his heart was about to beat out of his chest.

"Let me show you how beautiful you look". Ayman said I knew where he was going with this and I was ready to take that step in our relationship. Although we have only been married two weeks, I know that I trust Ayman with all of my heart and that he would never take advantage of me, and that we wouldn't take a big step without both of us agreeing.

Authors Note :

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Till next time,
Allah Hafiz 💕

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