Ahlam's POV

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Alhamdulilah, as I have said before Allah Swt never fails to answer dua made at Tahajjud. I have been given an interview at the Islamic primary school I had applied for a job at!! Inshallah it all goes well and I get the job with being turned away once again.

I quickly began rummaging through my wardrobe to find the perfect, professional outfit to wear to the interview. I settled on a black closed abaya, a checkered blazer, black ankle boots and a simple black hijab. As you could have probably already guessed my favourite colour is BLACK!!

I went downstairs to tell mama and baba the good news. "Mama, baba!!! I got an interview from our local Islamic primary school". "Jaan I'm soo happy for you, may Allah Swt make my daughter successful just like her baba!". Mama replied. "That's my girl! You go and ace that interview, always remember to take Allah's name before you start anything and Inshallah you will be fine" baba said.

I had began to iron my clothes and hang them up all ready for the big day tomorrow, I sat down and began planning and writing any questions they could throw at me in the interview. Just so I was that extra bit prepared I asked baba to act as the interviewer and ask me some questions so I get a feel of how the interview is going to go.

"What is the reason that makes you want to persue primary teaching as a career?", "one of the reasons I want to become a primary teacher  is because no two days are the same, I don't want to have a mundane nine to five, I want to enjoy waking up in the morning and say yes! I am going to teach this amazing lesson today, another reason why I would like to become part of the cohort at your school is because it is a faith school, this would not only allow me to have my dream job. However it would also allow me to promote and practice the deen as part of working at this school.

"Beta you will be fine stop worrying you should know that Allah Swt is the best of planners you know what they say. "What's mean't for you will reach you even if it's beneath two mountains and what's not mean't for you won't reach you even if it's between your two lips".

I was sitting in the living room with mama and she sparked a conversation which I was imagining we wouldn't be have for a long time yet. "Have you thought about marriage yet?".

"Mum have you lost your mind! I shrieked, I'm soo young, I'm only twenty two years old the thought hasn't even crossed my mind yet. What's making you ask me these questions". "Nothing beta I was just wondering, me and your baba got married when I was twenty and he was twenty three. And till this day I don't have a single regret, why waste time! "Because mum I'm not ready".

"With all due respect I'm going up to my room  you've kind of  ruined my mood! I don't want to talk about stuff like that". You must be wondering what's got Ahlam so mad, well I knew from mama's facial expressions, she wasn't just wondering. I could tell that she had ulterior motives and my brain is racing with all sorts of assumptions.

Authors Note :

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Till next time,
Allah Hafiz 💕

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