Ayman's POV

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Alhamdulilah!! I had officially completed half of my deen! Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated "When a man marries he has fulfilled half of his religion, so let him fear Allah Swt regarding the remaining half". (Prophet Muhammad)

I could hear shuffling behind the curtain, I was soo nervous! The palms of my hands were sweating like mad. Don't even get started on my heartbeat, it was racing!! "Bismillah", I quickly said before opening the curtain.

My eyes met with the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on. Ahlam had luscious, long golden brown hair. The colour of Ahlam's hair was similar to my own. Her hair was curled from the bottom. I had to refrain from running my hands through it! Ahlam's face was angelic, her full pink lips and alluring hazel eyes. Her nose was small and symmetrical. She must be thinking what a weirdo he's just staring at my face.

I took a step closer, I really wanted to just wrap my arms around her and pull her into my embrace. But I don't want to cross any boundaries that she wouldn't like so I decided to ask, before actually doing to what I wanted to do. "Mashallah you are soooo beautiful Ahlam!! You look incredible". I looked to see a blush forming on her pale skin. "Thank you, you look very handsome too". "Can I hug you?". Before I could anticipate her answer, I felt a weight collide into my body. Arms wrapped around my torso. I looked down, my eyes met with Ahlam's hazel eyes filled with tears!! "Ahlam, why are you crying?". She could hear the concern in my voice. "Ohhh no I'm not crying because I'm sad, your letter was soo heartfelt. I have never had someone do something soo thoughtful for me". My hands lifted on their own accord, I wiped away her tears.

I felt her lean into my touch, I had to prevent myself from cooing at her adorableness. "I heard from my sources, that you like keeping memories, so I decided to write you a letter. This is only one of many! Prepare to be wooed with my letter writing skills!" I chucked. "Well I'll be waiting for those letters! Mr Haq". Ahlam teased

"Challo! lets get going, they must be waiting for us at home, I think the car should be waiting outside". Ahlam began rewrapping her hijab, I stood by the door, admiring her. She must be thinking what a creep, But I don't care! Every chance I'm going to get i'll remind her of how beautiful she is, not just her outward beauty, but her character is what is truly beautiful!

"Come on then let's go, see all of the judgy Pakistani aunties!". "Hahaha yeah soo true, they're always going to have something to say, we'll just have to deal with it for a few hours!!". Ahlam spoke in her sweet voice. "Can I hold your hand? I feel like I'm going to fall, because I literally never wear heels!". I held my hand out to her in response. When she joined the two of our hands together, I know it sounds cliche but I felt sparks when our hands connected.

The driver was outside waiting! I opened the door for Ahlam and helped her get into the car, "why thank you, kind sir!!". Ahlam joked. "It was my pleasure madam!". Before I knew it, we were at Ahlam's house where the party was being held. All of the guests were helping themselves to the food in the garden. The setup was amazing it was a white and rose gold theme. I looked to see Ahlam mingling with the guests. I went to go and socialise with some of the guests! social settings are totally not my scene. I feel so awkward. Thank god the party is not that big, I guess its better than having to sit in front of hundreds of guests at a wedding hall.

I went to see Uncle Yaqub and baba who were sitting and chatting, whilst munching on pizza and chips. I sat down with my plate of food and began eating, Ahlam's choice of food served at the party was perfect because, all of the younger guests at the party seem to be enjoying themselves. I have never seen Uncle Yaqub look soo sad and emotional, I decided to make a promise to him. "Uncle Yaqub i'm not a father as of yet, but I can imagine how you are feeling right now, as you are giving your daughter away. But one thing that I promise is, that I will treat Ahlam like a queen with every living breath in me. I promise to keep her happy and smiling!".

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