Ahlam's POV

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I had woken up to the best news ever!! I had been given the job as a primary school teacher at the local Islamic school. Alhamdulilah, alhamdulilah I'm soo happy. I made wudhu and gave a Sajdah of shukr. To thank Allah Swt for granting me with the job that I have been dreaming about for quite a while.

I ran down the stairs to tell mama and baba the good news. "Mama!! Baba!! I got the job", "wowwww that's soo good beta, I'm soooo proud of you, whose going to keep me company when you go off to work". Mama said.  "My daughter is all grown up now I can't believe it. It feels like it was just like yesterday when I held you in my arms for the first time, it was the happiest day of my life and today we're sitting here and you've got your first job. Beta I never really get the chance to tell you how proud I am of you, seriously you have never given us a hard time in raising you. Any parents would be proud to have a daughter like you meri jaan". Baba had made my eyes well up with tears I had a lump in my throat. I got up and gave them a hug! Mama and baba were my biggest supporters and I wouldn't be here today without them.

"Ahlam, Khadijah and Yaqub bhai have invited us for a dawaat at their house. Their holding a welcoming party for Huzayl, their son in law he's come back from a business trip after a while and is planning on settling in the UK now permanently. Do you want to come?".

"Mama I don't even know if I want to come isn't it going to be awkward.. I feel cringe going to their house". "Beta why would it be awkward, just be yourself! How many times have I told you that, you can't spend your whole life cringing over everything (AN: me and my mum go through this  conversation every single day 😩🤣 I can't help it 🤣🤣)

"Mama that day when I went to the park for a walk Afiyah and Luqman were there and she introduced me to Ayman, we spoke a little and he seems like a nice guy. He's a Hafiz too which is great! And I know I'm soo weird but we recited quran together and yeah".

"Told you beta there's no harm in getting to know someone, it wasn't going to stop you from doing whatever you wanted plus your dad wouldn't have let him talk to you if he wasn't a good man. So do you want to come then? We're going at six."

"Yeah I'll come, I'm going in to town I promised Luqman a few things when I met him at the park! Do you need anything I'll grab it for you". "Nope were good, be safe and ring me if you need a lift back or anything".

"Ok I'll get going then", I quickly threw on the classic black abaya and I decided to switch up the hijab colour today, I went with khaki instead of black. I had reached town I popped into The Works and brought Luqman a colouring book and colouring pencils. Then I went into Wilko's and brought him pick n mix best thing is that it's halal there.

I couldn't be bothered to, walk around town any longer than I needed to so once I was done. I put in my headphones and listened to quran recitation whilst walking, before I knew it I was home.

"Beta it's half four, get ready and wear something other than black please, maybe wear the beige abaya, I'm tired of seeing you in black all the time!!".

I had finally got ready, for the first time ever I was done before the actual time we had to leave! That was a first for me. "Come on, let's go!" baba said. We had arrived and the anxiety was starting to kick in, I don't even know why I was feeling like this. To be honest we never really visit anyone's house so maybe that's why.

We had arrived and my hands were sweating, "Ahlam calm down, why are you being like this for, snap out of it! How do you expect yourself to go out and work with different people if you can't even meet people you've seen before". Mama was right I just needed to calm down and go with the flow.

Baba knocked on the door and we waited for someone to answer! We waited.....

Authors Note :

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Today is Friday 🎉 Have you read Surah Kahf? I've you haven't go read it. It will grant you light from one Friday to the next.

Till next time,
Allah Hafiz 💕

The journey of Ahlam and Ayman ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora