Ayman's POV

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It's Saturday today and I plan on doing nothing today. I had just prayed Tahajjud and asked Allah Swt to help Ahlam come to a decision. I know I seem eager but for me I know what I want in a spouse and she meets all of the requirements. Her deen is good, her character is beautiful, the way she speaks in general is respectful, she loves children which is excellent because I can't wait to be a father!, she carries herself appropriately. And she dresses modestly.

I had just woken up it was eleven o'clock. I got out of my bed brushed my teeth and made wudhu in time for Zuhr. I went downstairs and mama was making lunch. "Mama what are you making?". "Beta I'm making pasta but not for you guys!, Afiyah was saying she's going out to eat in high street and whether you wanted to go with her and Luqman. Ring her and let her know if you want to go with them".

I knew I was going to get bored doing nothing at home so I decided to ring Afiyah to let her know that I'd join them."Hello Afiyah, what time do you want to go high street I'll come with you guys, shall I drive? You know I hate walking". "Yeah Ayman you know I hate walking too so bring the car, we were going to eat at Pizza Hut is that fine? "Yeah perfect we'll eat there!".

I had just parked the car and we walked up to Pizza Hut, we got it and Afiyah spoke to the lady at the front "hi there, we have a booking under the name Ayman". "Your table is just over there ma'am, it seems as though you already have somebody waiting for you if I'm not wrong?". "Yes I am aware, thank you".

I was thinking is Afiyah mad saying that she knew we had someone waiting for us she didn't tell me anything. We walked over to the table, I was just about to take a seat when I heard a sweet voice speak "Luqman!! Hello, come sit next to me". Afiyah had planned all of this she had invited Ahlam, without me knowing. Secretly I think Afiyah is rooting for us to get married or something because she keeps playing Cupid!

Whilst Luqman was getting into the seat next to Afiyah, I turned my head to give Afiyah the look. I know she just wants us to get to know each other but I feel cringe. Me and Afiyah sat next to each other. I was listening to Luqman and Ahlam talking. She was telling Luqman about some of the kids in her class and how cheeky some of her students are.

Once Ahlam and Luqman finished talking I decided to make conversation. "Ahlam how's it going at the Islamic school? How's life as a primary school teacher treating you!".

"Alhamdulilah it's going great, I love it!! I actually look forward to getting up in the morning and ready to teach. The kids in my class make my day! Whether it be their cute comments or good work. Also alhamdulilah alhamdulilah the brothers and sisters I work with are amazing, they're soo understanding and supportive. I couldn't have got a job in a better school. Also because it's an Islamic school it's beautiful seeing all the children ready and raring to pray salah.

"Mashallah that's really good that your enjoying it, that's all that matters! Ok so I want to get to know you a bit more, can I ask you some questions if you don't mind?"

"Sure I have no problem! Go ahead, start the inquisition".

"Ok first question : where do you see yourself in ten years time inshallah?".

"Well in ten years inshallah if I'm still alive, I would like to have brought my own house, completed my Hajj because I'd rather do it while I'm young and fit over old and frail, I would preferably like to be married and I'm not sure if this is stretching it but I would like to a child or maybe even children. But only Allah knows what my qadr holds. I love the ayah from Surah Al - Anfal. "But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners". (Quran 8:30)

"Oh wow that's soo crazy because if you were to ask me that question I would have answered in the exact same way. The only thing I would add is that I would like to climb the teaching ladder maybe become head of the science department  at my school or even make it to the senior leadership team. Allahu Alim".

"Do you have any questions for me Ahlam?", "yeah should we do some quick fire questions?". "Yeah you can start!".

"Going out or staying in?"

"Staying in definitely, I dont really enjoying going out unless it's for eating!". What about you Ahlam. "Me too, I'd much prefer staying in and watching a movie and eating junk over going out!".

"Favourite food, Pakistani or English?"

"Well my favourite Pakistani dish would be Chicken Karahi and my favourite English dish is pasta and pizza all day everyday hence we're sat here in Pizza Hut!". What about you Ahlam?

"Well my favourite Pakistani dish is lamb Karahi and my favourite English dish is pasta same as yours!".

Ahlam I have one last question and I'm scared to ask you but I'm just going to do it anyways!". "No it's okay go ahead and ask, one thing I firmly believe is that you would never know if you don't ask! So don't be scared and say it".

"Well Ahlam, if I was to ask Uncle Yaqub for a rishta (Hand in marriage / proposal) what would your answer be?....

Authors note :

Haha I left you guys on a cliffhanger there 😫🤣🤣...

What do you think Ahlam's answer will be?
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Till next time,
Allah Hafiz 💕

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