Ahlam's POV

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Alhamdulilah, life was good so far I have just recently graduated from Kingston University. I have gained  a BA honours degree in primary teaching and early childhood studies with QTS, this degree gives me the opportunity to inshallah get my dream job without having to do another year at university.

I never understood when people used to say Allah swt puts people in your life for a reason. But when I went to university I made friends that were more like sisters. My best friends are Aisha and Amilah both of them have a special place in my heart. Before I started university I had intended to start wearing the hijab, alhamdulilah my deen had been in a good place for a good while but I wasn't really sure what was holding me back from taking the step that would bring me one step closer to Allah swt. But then Aisha and Amilah gave me the courage to take the step and become a hijabi.

Alhamdulilah, it was the best decision I ever made it makes me feel soo much closer to Allah swt. Wearing a hijab and abaya makes brings you closer to the almighty however, it also comes with challenges as well ranging from ignorant stares and rude comments on the tube. I was watching a Mufti Menk lecture and he was saying how one gets reward for bearing with the comments. This has allowed me to ignore the comments and makes me happy knowing that I will gain reward for their ignorance.

"Ahlaaaaaaammmm!!! Come downstairs and help me make the roti's, your dad should be coming back from work soon." Yep and there you have it that's my mum! Her loud personality gets a tad too much for me sometimes. Her loud screaming coming from the bottom of the stairs what can I say, that's almost every Pakistani mother for you.

"Beta what were you doing I've been calling you for ages", mum what do you think I was doing, "hmmm let me guess probably reading those silly cliche books on wattpad", "yeah mum of course what else would I be doing". "Ok quickly put the roti and curry on a tray and cut the salad."

Me and mama waited by the door for him "baba your home!", he came in and pecked our foreheads, "how was work baba!" ( baba was an A&E doctor and was returning from his night shift ), " alhamdulilah, work was busy and tiring as usual, but I didn't forget to bring you a bag of skittles on my way back! Grab them out of my bag".

Baba really was the best no matter how tired he was from work he always brought me a packet of skittles from our local shop without fail, this was a tradition we have had since I was a little girl although, I'm a twenty two year old woman, he still brings me a packet home. One day inshallah I want to be able to find a husband who is going to treat our children exactly the same way!

Authors Note :

How was it guys ? I feel a bit cringe publishing this because I don't even know what the hell i'm writing 😂😂

Guys please don't be silent readers, comment so that I know what to improve on!

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Till next time,
Allah Hafiz 💕

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