Ayman's POV

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It was a week before the Nikkah, the school summer holidays had officially started! And within the next week I will be happily married Inshallah, Inshallah. I am beyond happy! It's weird to think that a month ago if somebody told me, next month you'd be married. I would probably just laugh in their face. Subanallah, Allah Swt works in mysterious ways.

I had planned on going ring shopping today, I was thinking of asking Afiyah to come along with me. I sort of have a rough idea of what I am looking for. But it's just nice to have, another woman's opinion on the ring. I decided to call and ask if she wanted to come. "Hello, I want to go ring shopping for Ahlam today, do you want to come along and help me choose?".

"Yeah definitely, come in about an hour and I'll be ready". "Okay inshallah I'll come pick you and then we'll go". In the meantime I decided to recite Durood Sharif. Because Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated "On the day of judgement, the person closest to me will be the one who has sent the most Durood in to me".
(Source: Tirmidhi)

I had lost track of time, forty five minutes had passed within a blink of an eye. I quickly grabbed my keys and wallet and left the house. I had finally arrived at Afiyah's house, and horned to let her know I'm outside.

"Salaam, sooo we looking for a rock to put on Ahlam's finger yeah!!"."Yes inshallah we'll be able to find the right one!". We had arrived at the shopping centre and walked into Tiffany and co. I knew the type of design I was looking for, so it didn't take long to choose.

"Afiyah look I love this ring, look how stunning it is". "Oh em gee!!! Ayman you have to buy it, it's beautiful, I wouldn't have minded if Huzayl brought me a ring like that but it's the thought that counts eh!!". I looked at the price, was the ring expensive? Absolutely!!, but it's worth every penny because a wedding ring is supposed to be a one off purchase. I just hope Ahlam likes it as much as I do. 

The cashier lady checked out the ring for us, so me and Afiyah left Tiffany and co with the ring. And decided to go eat some well deserved munch!!

"Where do you want to eat Afiyah?". "Is subway fine, should we eat there". "Yup thats fine, lets go get a sub seeing as that's what you want!". "Afiyah I am thinking of getting Ahlam a wedding present, and I thought this would be a really cool idea. Ahlam loves Islam as much as I do, I'm thinking of drilling a water well in her name, in one if the countries where there is limited water supply. Because that is a gift that would not only keep on giving but it's Sadqah Jaariyah as well".

I looked up to see Afiyah in tears, "Afiyah why are you crying?". "I can't believe, how thoughtful you are Ayman! May Allah swt bless your marriage. Honestly that is by far the cutest, wedding present I have ever heard of. I don't have a shadow of a doubt that you won't treat Ahlam like a queen".

I had just got home, I began researching on the water wells and which charity would be best to use. Ummah appeal is the chosen charity! I started filling out the details to be included on the water well. The payment has been made, inshallah the water well will be completed within the next four to six months.

The reason as to why I chose a water well, as the chosen Sadqah is because prophet Muhammad pbuh stated "the best form of charity is to give people water". (Sunan Ibn Majah)

Isha time was fast approaching, I quickly made wudhu and slipped on my thawb. I grabbed my slides and ran down the stairs. I called out to baba to ask if he was coming. "Baba you coming mosque?, I'm leaving in a minute!!". "Yeah beta!! I'm coming in two minutes, just trying to find my trainers". We fast walked to the mosque, and just about made it, in time for the jamaat.

We had just finished Isha salah, I was planing on sitting and reciting Surah Mulk and Surah Sajdah before I leave the mosque. Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "There is a chapter in the Quran, not but thirty verses, which will argue on behalf of its companion until he enters Paradise. It is the chapter: Blessed is He in whose hand is the dominion." (Quran 67:1). I have adopted the habit of reciting these ever since I became a Hafiz, I could easily just recite them on my walk home however, it's the feeling of reciting in the masjid, the atmosphere is soo calm and peaceful. Baba had left as he needed to get back to the garage to work on a car, that needs to be repaired by tomorrow. I jumped when I heard a voice speak behind me.

"As - salaamu alaykum Ayman! How are you?, are you ready to complete half your deen next week!". "Alhamdulilah Uncle Yaqub! I am well, six week holidays and I'm getting married next week inshallah I'm thrilled!!". "Beta, you remind me soo much of myself when I was young, I was eager to experience this magical thing called marriage! We got married young however it still didn't stop me from perusing my education and becoming a doctor. That's one advice I would give the youth, don't let anything stop you from getting married. Allah Swt is the provider of Rizq and will provide the marriage with Barakah. Yes getting married comes with its challenges as well. For example Yasmin had the worst experience staying with my family, but Allah Swt helped us through the hardships. It's just whether each couple has the power and determination to overcome all the hurdles which may come in the way of their marriage".

"From Yasmin's experience living with my family I vowed when we left my family home, that if we were to ever become in laws for somebody's daughter I would never ever, treat her the way that Yasmin was treated. May Allah swt make it easy for those looking to get married. Beta I'm sorry I didn't mean to take up soo much of your time by telling you my whole life story".

"No uncle carry on I have nothing to do at home anyways!". "Ohh okay, so where was I? Ohh yeah now I remember! Parents in this day and age are very narrow minded, like the spouse for their daughter needs to have a degree before he can marry her. I hate that like Allah Swt has stated in Surah An - Nur."And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves. If they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty, and Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing". (Quran 24:32). This ayah is a clear indication that Allah Swt is the provider of sustenance and will enrich the young couple. Subhanallah parents as such will be questioned, on the day of judgement".

"Beta it was good chatting with you, I've got to get going now I promised Ahlam that I was going to watch her favourite movie with her when I get back, as I am not the A&E on call doctor today". I pulled Uncle Yaqub into a hug! "Allah Hafiz uncle, give Ahlam my salaam". "I will  Inshallah!, we will meet again, by the will of Allah Swt".

Authors Note :

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Till next time,
Allah Hafiz 💕

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