Ayman's POV

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I still couldn't believe it, Ahlam said that she would agree if I went to her baba to ask for a rishta. I was going to tell mama and baba about it! We were on our way home from high street Ahlam had already left. I was really close to asking her if she would like a lift home but I thought what would her parents think, if I dropped her home.

"Are you happy, that Ahlam would say yes to the rishta?". Afiyah asked, pulling me out of my reverie. "Yeah alhamdulilah I am happy! I think it's a good time too, like I have a stable job, I have nearly saved enough for a mortgage. And I'm twenty four so not too old and not too young. It's amazing though Allah Swt works in mysterious ways. In Surah Nahl it states "whatever blessing you have it is from Allah Swt". (Quran 16:53). This is definitely a blessing from Allah Swt that I wasn't expecting at all.

I had dropped Afiyah and Luqman to their house, after that it took me fifteen minutes to arrive home. I got in, and called for mama and baba "mammaaaaa!!!, babaaaaa!!!, where are you guys". "In the kitchen!!!". I walked in to see baba chopping the ingredients for the curry. One thing I love about baba is that he is the most hands on dad, like when me and Afiyah were young he was never one to just sit down and oh let the wife raise the kids never. He was just as involved in our upbringing as mama was. And even with the housework or cooking he'll always be the first person by mama's side helping her. He has honestly been the best role model for me and Afiyah. By him being like that it showed Afiyah to never settle for a husband who isn't going to treat her, how baba treats mama. And for me it has taught me how you should respect and treat women. Inshallah I aspire to be a just as amazing husband to Ahlam and father to our children if Allah Swt wills.

"Mama, baba when I went out with Afiyah she didn't tell me, and secretly invited Ahlam behind my back. Anyways we talked some more and then I decided to drop a big question on her". "Okay and what did you ask her!", mama questioned. "Well I asked her if I was to ask Uncle Yaqub for a rishta, what would her answer be". "Aaaannnnndddd" mama replied. "She said that she would say yes". The next minute all I heard was mama squealing "oh my gosshhhh, that's the best news I've heard in forever!!! I can't wait for Ahlam to be my daughter in law". "Mama your acting like I've been to Uncle Yaqub's house and asked him already".

"Ok challo!! do you want to come for a walk with me down the canal, it's been soo boring sitting here all day watching dramas. I need some fresh air". "Yeah ok let's go". We had been walking for ten minutes and had reached the canal. The sun was starting to set it looked absolutely stunning Mashallah. It reminded me of the ayah from Surah Nahl "And he has made subservient for you the night and day and the sun and the moon, and the stars are made subservient by his commandment; most surely there are signs in this for people who ponder". (Quran 16:12) Subhanallah, it was a beautiful sight. Indeed Allah Swt is the best of creators.

We walked a little farther and saw two ladies and a man walking side by side. As we approached them and got a closer look, it was Ahlam and her parents. Eeeek I could feel my heart racing with nervousness. Mama decided to greet them "As - Salaamu alaykum Khadijah, Ahlam beta how are you, how's the job going?". "Alhamdulilah, aunty it's going well I am loving every moment of it". I decided to to walk on to go and speak to Uncle Yaqub who was way ahead of them. "As - salaamu alaykum Uncle Yaqub, how are you?". "Alhamdulilah beta I am well". "Uncle when I last spoke to you it was about getting to know Ahlam, I have done so and now I am here again. Asking you for permission, this time regarding Ahlam's hand for marriage".

"Ok so we won't discuss this, right here in the middle of a walk so I'd like to invite you guys to our house. Does tomorrow at seven sound okay for you? Inshallah uncle, that's fine. We will meet tomorrow, by the will of Allah Swt.

Authors Note :

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I had a day from hell today, when I was at school the zip on my bag broke and I had to carry my open bag all the way home. Down the bloody main roads where there was tonnes of traffic 😩😩😭😭. It was soo cringe man!! My bag had all of my heavy books in there as well, I honestly felt like crying 😫😂😭😭.

Till next time,
Allah Hafiz 💕

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