Staying with the psychopath

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"I came back for you Brahms, I told you I wouldn't leave and I didn't did i." I said with bravery, he slowly walked over to me and begin to sniff my hair. "I told you I wouldn't"- I was cut off by his loud inhales. Then I shouted his name "BRAHMS" I startled him and he looked at me. His eyes met mine, they were blueish green but had no sympathy in them. They were just dark and empty. "It's time for bed now" I said, he didn't move but only moved his head from side to side. "Brahms I said it's time for bed." I exclaimed in authority, "Let's go!" He finally followed me up stairs. When we got upstairs, I remained calm and sharp "put that down now Brahms." He slowly put it down on the chest and stayed still. "Are you ready for bed?" I asked and he nodded slightly. I pulled the blankets down and awaited for him to get tucked in. "Under the covers" I said to him and tucked him in. I forcibly smiled because he was just watching me. I tried not to show that I was scared, "now be a good boy and straight to sleep." I said.

"Kiss" he murmured. I shook my head.

"No kiss tonight Brahms it's your punishment I'm sorry." As I turned to leave he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to the bedside.

"Kiss" he said again. I was disgusted and didn't want to kiss him but it was still apart of the rules and the only way to get him to sleep since he asked twice. I slowly leaned in towards him as he grabbed my arms and kissed him. He pushed his mask onto my face, I pulled away fast and stood back up.

"Now go to sleep Brahms, and I'll see you in the morning. He slowly closed his eyes and went to sleep. I slowly closed the door and went to check on Malcom to save him. He was okay thank God. "Y/n we need to get out of here" exclaimed Malcom, he grabbed my wrist to pull me along with him to escape but I pulled away my wrist. "I can't Malcom, Brahms needs me I'll be okay though. He seems to stall when he's around me. I'll be careful" I said to Malcom with sadness. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes, he slowly touched the right side of my cheek. "Are you sure you're going to be okay staying here with Brahms. He's mentally ill." I assured Malcom that I was going to be okay and helped him out the door. "Please be safe and get help for your wounds Malcom. Don't ever come back here please." I said while crying. Malcom drove off without me, I watched with such sadness. I wanted to be with him but I can't. I have to stay here because I also promised Brahms parents, I can't believe they lied to me like that. I went and laid down on the couch and tried my best to sleep.

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