Chapter 12 (you're mine forever)

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Brahms has been acting very aggressive this morning. Especially towards John. He wouldn't allow me to make food for him, nor poor tea for him, nor read books to him either.
I was in the garden watering some plants I recently started planting, when I turned around I bumped into John.

"Oh! Sorry y/n, I was just here to plant something." He said while smiling, I nodded my head. John looked down at my neck and it surprised him. "Woah, there's a lot of hickeys on your neck. Brahms must be really aggressive with you huh?" He chuckled nervously. I looked at him and shook my head "no, actually he's very quite caring and gentle. He just doesn't want me to leave him and I won't. He just wants to be loved." Me and John stared at each other for 1 minute and I walked away. He doesn't seem to understand what Brahms has been through, sure he may be a psychopath who kills but I blame that on his parents.

I went inside and saw Brahms sleeping on the sofa. It made me feel fuzzy and warm watching him sleep so peacefully. It's like he's in his own world sleeping. I reached down to touch his mask, suddenly he grabbed my arm and pulled me in. "You're so warm y/n" as he sniffed me. He hugged me in his arms very tight, I just lied down on the sofa with him  and rubbed his head as he fell asleep on my chest.

John came in and saw us. I waved to signal him to be quiet. John smirked as he came running towards me and jumped on me and Brahms. Brahms woke up "IDIOT! That hurt what are you doing?!" He yelled. "Well I'm cold too." Said John. I giggled a bit, these two are like fire and water. Brahms wrapped his arms around me. "Tch, go sleep on the other couch." Said Brahms in a sassy manner. Well, this is surprising for me, John brought out a side of Brahms I never saw. He's quite funny when he's mad like this.

"John, have you looked for a job yet?" I asked. "Yea, I have a job interview next week. If I get the job I'll be working as a bartender." "I can't wait for you to move out." Said Brahms. I chuckled at him and kissed the cheek part of his mask.

"Do you guys want to go camping tonight?" I asked happily. Brahms declined but John approved. "I'd love to go camping tonight. Let's start packing." I nodded my head and went to pack up some extra clothes, food, tents, blankets, pillows, tooth paste, and toothbrush. I brought two blankets, two pillows for me and Brahms. I also brought his toothbrush. I got dressed for camping too.

"You look cute" said Brahms while standing in the doorway, I smiled. John got his stuff ready and was ready to go. "Brahms, I bought us both extra clothes, pillows, blankets, and toothbrush so don't worry." Brahms nodded as he got dressed for camping. Me and John decided to pack more food and pack some matches and a lighter for fire.

Brahms came down to us, wow he looked extremely good in his camping clothes. I hugged him and he seemed nervous. "Just so you know I don't like these type of things but I'm willing to do them because you like it." I smiled at him. We then drove off to some camping woods.

The drive was 30 minutes long. Once we arrived, we first set up our tents. "Me and Brahms will be sharing tents." I told John. I set up our pillows, blankets and a soft camping mattress. It took 20 minutes to set up everything. I also decided to change into something more comfortable. We were now setting up the fire, Brahms was getting some firewood. He came back with a lot.

I started the fire and it was really warm. We made s'mores, and chicken. Everyone was stuffed. We also brought along water, I went to brush my teeth, so did Brahms and John.

Once we were done, Brahms said he was going to get more firewood. It was just me and John sitting next to the fire. "Y/n, I have something to tell you." I answered "yea, what is it?" He looked at me, moved really close to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Y/n I like you! You look really cute. I'm serious! I've liked you from the start, please be with me." I was surprised and I tried to push him back but couldn't. "John I can't be with you. I don't have any feelings towards you, I'm sorry" I said in a sad tone. John hugged me even tighter "no! You don't have to answer me now, I'll wait!" My chest felt tight against his.

Brahms saw us, he dropped the fire woods. He walked towards me angrily and pushed us apart roughly. "Don't touch y/n. Refrain yourself." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to our tent but John grabbed my other wrist. John was also handsome but he couldn't compete with Brahms. John pulled me in his chest. "Y/n, you're someone special to me. I'm serious!" He exclaimed. Brahms did not look happy. He pulled me away from John. "I already warned you before, touch y/n again next time, I'll slit your throat." Said Brahms with such cold and empty eyes. There was a long pause of silence. Both John and Brahms gave each other the death stare. Brahms pulled me in the tent with him. He zipped up and looked at me.

His look made me quite nervous. Brahms pushed me down "you're mine only, don't ever let him fucking touch you again." As he said this, he got up and lit up the lantern he brought. "I don't like him, I only love you Brahms." He didn't say anything. "I saw everything and heard everything. He just got too physical with you and it angered me." Said Brahms. He slept but he didn't hug me or say anything to me after that. This made me feel sad and empty. He would usually kiss me even after times like this but it was different.

I made a sad expression, we slept with our backs facing each other. Our backs touched each other's backs. Then I turned around and hugged him from his back. He seemed to still be awake. "Brahms, I'm sorry." I whispered. He turned around and kissed me. I was surprised, but kissed him back. He got on top of me and took off his shirt. He started sucking on my neck. I let out a little moan.

I took off my shirt and shorts. He started kissing me from above and slowly started kissing lower . He took off my panties. "Y/n, we barely begun and you're already dripping wet." He said as he grinned. He started licking me down and I tried covering my mouth. He then leaned towards my face and started fingering me.

I begin to moan loud but he covered my mouth. "Shhh, you wouldn't want him to hear you would you?" He said it so seductively. He begin thrusting his finger in me in and out, he begin putting two fingers in me. He's so aggressive, he stopped then licked his fingers. He told me goodnight as he cuddles me in tightly.

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