The devil is handsome

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I was still thinking about what happened yesterday. What am I going to do with Cole's body? As I woke up, sat up and opened my eyes. Brahms was there staring at me. It startled me for a second but before I could say anything I got lost in his eyes. They were beautiful, his eye colors are just like the ocean with just a hint of green nature in them. His eyes were alluring but they had no emotions in them. I still hated Brahms I wanted to escape. I was just disgusted by what he did.

"Y/n? I..I hid Cole's body so don't worry. I also didn't mean to wake you, looked peaceful sleeping." Said Brahms slightly in his kid voice. He stuttered a bit too. I remained calm and sharp. "Brahms, it's time to start the day. Let's first get you dressed and cleaned up." I said with sharpness. He followed me upstairs. He picked out the clothes he wanted to wear.

I got the bath ready for him, I went outside the bathroom to tell him that his bath was ready. As he took off his shirt in front of me, heat begun to rise up my cheeks. He lived majority of his life in the walls, yet how can he be so fit. His pecs, abs, and V-line. My face was just hot and I was in awe. "Are you done admiring the view?" Said Brahms in his deep raspy voice. His deep voice sounded sad but at the same time alluring. I gathered back my senses and walked out of the bathroom still red. I could see the smirk on his face as I walked out.

I was reading a book and eating some grapes. Brahms walked out. I could see his chest hair that ran down. It was attractive, I also noticed he shaved his beard a bit. He looked much more clean and he also smelled good. Seeing him like that made my face hot. I went back to reading trying not to take another look. I hate him, I just want to go home but yet why do I feel this way. There's no way I can like someone like him. He got dressed, I led him to the kitchen and made Pb&J's. I gave him his plate. "I won't eat until you eat." Said Brahms with sharpness. I ate the peanut butter and jelly sandwich and as he watched me eat I noticed he wasn't eating I was confused and then realized maybe he's insecure about his face under that mask.

"Brahms would you like me to go eat in the living room if that'll make you feel more comfortable?" I said sincerely. He nodded his head slightly, I got up and moved to the living room.

A few minutes later I was done eating. I wanted to see how Brahms would look like under his mask but I shouldn't just go in there, he might be insecure and vulnerable with it. My curiosity got the best of me so I slowly walked over to the kitchen only peeking out a little. I can't believe it, he's handsome. Only he has a burned scar on his other side of his face. He's just so beautiful and good looking. I felt my face heating up and turning red.

Brahms quickly put on his mask and said "I know you're there y/n" he said it with such insecurity. I walked out and apologized.

As I was washing the dishes Brahms came up behind me. I could feel his cold breath hit the back on my neck. I had my hair in a bun too. He then put his hands on my waist, it startled me. As I turned around I was the height of his shoulder so he looked down on me. He touched my left cheek. "Brahms, we're finished, it's time to listen to some music." I said it with boldness and walked away. We got through the day and it was time for him to sleep. I tucked him in and he said "kiss" In his child-like voice. I stalled a bit, I tried to walk out but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me on his bed. He got on top of me, pinned me down and the look in his eyes were angry. I could read the emotions in his eyes. "Y/n follow the rules correctly and give me a kiss. Don't make me repeat myself again like yesterday." I turned my head to my right, he irked me a little so I didn't want to look at him. "Let go Brahms" I said with annoyance. "You follow my rules first y/n" Brahms slowly took off his mask. He's so beautifully handsome. he slowly leaned in to kiss my neck. It made my face turn red, I could feel my face getting hot. He left his Mark on my neck. "Good night y/n and sweet dreams, tomorrow make sure to follow the rules correctly" he said as he let me go to my room. The kiss Mark he gave was pretty deep.

Am I falling for this devil? No, I definitely hate him.

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