Chapter 13

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I woke up but didn't see Brahms by my side. I got ready and headed out the tent. I saw Brahms cooking up some bacon and eggs. "Good morning beautiful" said Brahms. I smiled and told him good morning.

I looked over at John and he was cooking and roasting up some meat. It also looked quite delicious. "Y/n, sit. I made you bacon and eggs. I also made you fried rice with meat." I nodded and sat with Brahms. When me and Brahms finished eating, we noticed we were running out of fire woods.
John insisted he would go look for some fire woods and we all agreed.

I was out picking some berries and washing them. I then noticed 2 girls that seemed lost in the woods. When they saw me, they immediately ran towards me. "Please, help us!" Exclaimed the first girl. "We're lost" said the second girl. I nodded and helped them, they looked scared and helpless.

I guided them to my camp. I gave them new clean clothes as they went to clean up in a river close by. "Who're those girls?" Asked John. "I agreed to help them. They look really scared. They'll be camping with us." I answered.

Brahms took off his mask. I asked why he did. "It's so I don't look suspicious with it on." I nodded as we waited for those girls to finish. They came back, they looked so much better being cleaned. We helped them to some food. They ate a lot. "I'm Anna" said the first girl. "My name's Olivia." Said the second girl. We all introduced ourselves except Brahms. He was really quiet, he didn't speak the entire time. He gave them death stares.

"It's starting to get dark, we better set up the fire." I said. We settled in some fire woods and I started lighting the match. It was warm, although I noticed those girls never thanked me for helping them. They weren't sitting next to me either. They seemed more attached to Brahms. I don't know why but it made me feel a type of way. I don't want them to touch him, he shouldn't let them touch him either.

"Wow, you have some definition in your biceps." Said Olivia as she touched him. This made me mad. All of a sudden Brahms shoved his arm away from her and walked inside the tent. "What's up with him?" Asked Anna angrily. "We're just trying to be nice." John yawned as he walked inside his tent. It was just the three of us left. I awkwardly put out the fire and went inside my tent too.

As I zipped up the tent from inside, Brahms pinned me down and whispered "are you jealous? Don't worry love. I only have eyes for you." He let me go as he smirked. I slapped him off of me, I looked into his eyes angrily. I wrapped myself in my blanket and tried my best to sleep. He likes teasing me, I don't enjoy it one bit. He stood there quiet. "Y/n, I'm sorr"- he was cut off by those girls calling me and John out. I brushed aside Brahms and unzipped my tent half way. John asked what was wrong.

"Where are we going to sleep?" Asked Olivia. "I want to sleep with the handsome guy with the scar on his face!" Exclaimed Anna. I clenched my teeth and fists. "That's a good question, just sleep out there like animals." Answered Brahms as he quickly zipped up the tent. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight. "Y/n, I'm sorry." I hugged him back and kissed his forehead.

We fell asleep in each other's arms but couldn't really sleep because of the noises Anna and Olivia were making. Just what are they up to exactly?

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